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Rolling round in tangerines

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Stuff from Brickulator

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Throughout my childhood I spent a lot of time drawing and writing comics and making terrible animations, including a fair bit of LEGO stuff. Over the last 6 or 7 or 8 ish years that's kind of...stopped. But it's something I plan to get back into properly in the near future. So I dug out my crappy old tablet and produced the masterpiece you see above, a work I call "Crudely Drawn Happy Afro LEGO Man". My tablet isn't a fancy wacom thing, it doesn't have its own screen, so I'll have to get us



Falling brick name

I don't want to fall into the habit of constantly posting everything I make in a new thread like certain other members do, so here's a blog post. The last couple of videos I've made have been more thread-worthy, I think, because other people might actually want to use them. I don't think anyone else would want to use this one, although I guess my LEGO username is pretty unoriginal. Whatever. Here it is: It's basically just an animated version of my sig. It's made up from 15 LDD rende



Exploding LEGO Logo

I was messing around with the LEGO logo from the classic games and ended up with this: Personally I think having something like this at the start of LEGO games would have been much more exciting than the gentle falling bricks of old. Although I am a fan of the falling bricks, but that might just be nostalgia :P




About 5 years ago I started using this as my signature on the LEGO forums I visited: After seeing JimbobJeffers's awesome Rock Raiders fig renders I investigated the process of creating renders like that from LDD models, and produced this: It was surprising fast to render on my terrible old laptop and I think it looks pretty nice. Look out for another sig update in about 5 years!




I was looking through some deleted files on my old XP PC earlier when I suddenly found thousands of LEGO Island 2 screenshots from 2004. LI2 is one of those nice games that saves all your printscreens for you. And for some reason in 2004 I got a bit trigger happy with the prinscreen button. There is literally at least one entire playthrough of the game in there represented by screenshots for every world and cutscene and minigame. It is a great game though Have I used enough one-




My collection of LEGO games that has kept me entertained for many years (some more than others). There's also a couple of not-games in there that were among this lot in my cupboard. Show in this picture are: LEGO Island (PC) LEGO Island 2 (PC) LEGO Island 2 (GBC) LEGO Island Xtreme Stunts (PC) LEGO Island Xtreme Stunts (PS2) LEGO Racers (PC) LEGO Racers (PS2) LEGO Drome Racers (PC) LEGO Stunt Rally (PC) LEGO Alpha Team (PC) LEGO Rock Raiders (PC) LEGO Loco (PC) LE




I just noticed that my blog ID is 100, which is pretty cool. I guess I should actually post some stuff here then.



Hi From Brickulator

Hello, hola, willkommen, bienvenue, konnichiwa, aloha, how ya doing, yo! And in any language, welcome to my blog! I'm Brickulator, I'm also a member of BZP, Eurobricks, (though I'm not particularly active at either of those), I joined iBricks 2 like 5 years ago and have stuck with that community through the various forums that it evolved into. I also used to post on the LMB a long time ago and have joined a few other lego forums over the years. But none of that's very interesting so let's mo



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