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The Most Boring Blog In The World

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The Family Tree of Johnny Thunder

Not enough to warrant its own topic here, but still an interesting subject that I feel should be discussed. Especially in the most boring blog on Rock Raiders United. First off, let us start by acknowledging that, outside of heavily story-oriented themes such as BIONICLE, LEGO has a very loose grip of canon that frequently contradicts itself and encourages each person to come up with his or her own personal interpretation, sometimes called MOCanon. With a canon as unreliable as LEGO's, one



The Greatest "Sonic the Hedgehog" MOC

With the latest version of LEGO Digital Designer including some new pieces, I was finally able to truly capture the likeness of everyone's favorite blue hedgehog. Marvel at how incredible it is. Forget Mad Jack and Dino Attack Headquarters, this is easily the greatest MOC I have ever created. Possibly even the greatest MOC in the world. The greatest Master Builders only wish they were skilled enough builders to create something as incredible as this.




Oh, the random things you come up with in a Steam Chat... such as how to tie LEGO, Cthulhu, and Monty Python's Flying Circus into one twisted dark comedy: "In the headlines this morning, a LEGO set designer went mad after finishing the prototype model for the upcoming Cthulego line." "Shortly afterward, the LEGO design supervisor came in to check, found the designer writhing on the floor, took one look at the prototype model, and proceeded to go insane." "Police rushed into the bu




jamesster: Somebody just ran by me, their first name "Gorilla" PeabodySam: Which almost looks Latin. jamesster: they're an eagle PeabodySam: Eagorilla? PeabodySam: I'm just going to call him Eagor. PeabodySam: Let's find Kownt Drunkula so he can work for him. jamesster: hah PeabodySam: And together they can make Fronkenshteen. PeabodySam: But oh no Cragger stole the cheese. PeabodySam: Now they have no more drugs. PeabodySam: So now it's up to Rex Furry to save the day. jam



Where Link Briefly Stumbled Between Worlds

I figured I'd post this here since I know a lot of you guys here are fascinated by game design and what does or does not work. This is going to be a long-winded and largely boring rant about something very minor that still left me with a bad taste in my mouth. This past weekend, I finished the main story of "A Link Between Worlds" for 3DS. Unfortunately, my gaming repertoire is not nearly as extensive as most of my peers; for most of my life, my only means of gaming were a Gameboy Color,



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