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Game engine updates

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Update 2

yea i know its been awhile but i had a HDD failure so i lost everything. i have finnally gotten the basic codding done again. the engine is really buggy but i have gotten it to utilize resorces correctly and it supporting all resolution between 1280x1024 to 1920x1080. so far the audio is only in stereo but i plan on adding support up to 9.2 surround sound. im also considering porting it to ps3 and 360 through their home made game programs, but who knows on this one. i work for sony so i hav



Rockraiders 2: Revenge Of The Rock Monsters

I'm going to be making my own RR game its a sequl to the first RR game. Im am open to suggestions. current title idea RockRaiders II: Revenge of the Rock Monsters current story: Some small Rock Monsters stow away on the LMS Explorer. Then, when the RR get back to Lego Earth the small Rock Monsters burrow into the ground. Over time, there gets to be a lot of Rock Monsters. Since Lego Earth is not Rock Monster freindly there starts to be a lot of caveins and earthquakes and large pits forming



update one

so far i have gotten some base coding done but it is a long ways off. espeically since im updating to win 7 soon.



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