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Burnt cookies and frozen donut maker's oficial blog

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Orr update

Alright, anonymouse has made the new title screen, i'm working on the button stuff... I'm also rethinking the way the game will work and the map systems... Stay tuned for more updates as they happen. for now, all you have to look at is this pic:



Orr update

Added fps regualtoer, now to work on loader, and selector...Then a test level.



Orr and random stuff

The military's testing planes here in ca near where i live...But i cant see a single one since there are a bunch of tall trees here where i live...I can here their noise though, and they sound awesome. Orr: Finished basic titlescreen stuff for today. Now to finish the button functions...Pic sometime later...



Open Rock Raiders Podcast

Yay! Hopefully this lets you guys know more about Open Rock Raiders, and it might even stimulate interest in the project. Both by the devs, and you, the members. If you guys have any suggestions, both for ORR and the podcast, please post them.



Oh No, Another Derailment

First off. I've been working a lot on TankDown In SmallTown. Can't quite seem to fix all of these errors. Yes, Missiles are being added in, and I will soon start to work on the powerups. Victory has been implemented, and so has the victory screen. Although I can't get the screen to draw correctly. Second of all. RR Troubleshooter is still having troubles. I fixed the runtime errors, although now the text doesn't draw at all. Orr comes third. I have also got glitches and runtime err



Oh boy, an update!

Making a mod in dwarf fortress. Playing dwarf fortress. Playing civ 2. Playing Alpha Centuari, alien crossfire. Programming tankdown in smalltown. Programming orr a bit. I hurt one of my fingers very bad yesterday, and now it's harder to type...



Nothing new for teh model

Yep, nothing. BUT, I have some new Ideas I will be testing out for ORR. Also, I just don't know how to start the legs. If some one could kind of "guide" me through it.




I just got a new actiontec modem. The down speed is 1.26 (or is it 10.26? I don't remember) mb/s (old motorolla junk one was 125 kb/s or so.) I love it, has port forwarding...lol...No more internet lagging. Plus i get the full value out of what we pay the isp.



new Gfx Mod

I just made part 1 of a new gfx mod. It makes rr look old. So far only rock part s done. heres the topic:



New Game

Yes, I have made a new game. Well, I have to program one more thing and it is finished. I call it "Fun ai tests 1." It's a simple thing really, uploading tomorrow... OK, description: 2 stick figures. They walk around. They shoot randomly. They kill each other if they see each other. Yes, more of a simulation since you can only watch them fight.



My company website

As I have said, I wanted to start my own company. I finally did Anyway, the site is still under construction: http://terraform.x10hosting.com/index.php I may also change hosts if I find a better one. Please give me recommendations on that. Also give me advice on improving the site. I will add a donation button after two things: 1. A game worthy of donation is made 2. I figure out how it all works. Anyway, comments would be appreciated. Also,



My 3D animation

Ya, just a short animation to motivate me. I wanted to use a high fps, but that took to long so I changed it to 5 fps and did 40 frames.



More updates

Orr: Nothing much. Just made making a button a bit easier. Other stuff: I have lately been playing c&c3 again.



More news

In openrr, i'm now adding and fps regulator...Which is kind of hard since sdl doesn't have that function anymore.




I'm impressed with how much I have improved in only a month. Visit this topic and explore the spoilers. The later the spoilers appear in the first post, the newer it is. At the time of the writing, the newest model is the one with the blue-ish hi-techish corridor. I have plans to make a few 3d renditions of some of my forts in Dwarf fortress, I wonder how it will turn out ^^. In other news, Status remains the same with TDIST. Now for a tidbit of unrelated



Missiles for the tanks

Yep, for the last hour, I have been working on adding missiles into tdist. green = done yellow = working on it red = errors black = not started yet Progress at the moment Firing Movement - Nearly done. Just need to fully test it and see if anything needs to be altered Ground collision detection - Sometimes it bugs, otherwise it's finished "Animation" - So far, I only made it swap sprites when it reaches the top of the screen. I plan on animating the flame for the other



Me...And my scientific interests...

I have a brain, ok? I use my brain, ok? I am captivated by science. More specifically, these fields: Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Robotics, Hardware Development, Artificial intelligence. I could go into detail in all of these fields, but that would take ages of typing text, so that is the general stuff. Hmm...I guess that's enough for tonight... I may make a large scientific rant tomorrow. If I get that mood.



Hey, Been Surfing The Interwebs Lately?

I have. Here's something that caught my eye: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lego-Rock-Raiders/301355428979 I recall somebody wanting to create a facebook account for RRU. Guess they did it for "plain old" Rock Raiders?



Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death

SOPA? GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! ACTA? GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! Anti-terrorism policies that deprive me of my rights and freedoms? GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! Anything else that deprives me of my rights and freedoms? GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! Suck it, America - Land of the 'Free'.



GFX Mod Fix

I fixed it. There was a problem that i saw when i tested it. So i fixed that. And it looks cool.



Gem Co

This is a small game i'm making. I may post the design doc. What's it about: You are on a weird planet. Your job is to mine. The most precious thing you mine are gems. You live off of them. How you play: You have to enter the underground tunnels. Then, i want it to each time make a random level based on the difficulty chosen. I will probably add some simple enemies and hazards, otherwise its too easy. I wan to make it so the player can't 'win the game'. It just goes on




SO after 2+ hours of searching, I downloaded and installed gcc. Now I am trying to compile virtual world and ORR with it. I will be doing a lot of googling over the net few days Anyways, it's late. I'm going to go hit the sack now.



From the archives of addict

Ok, so, I think I'll just something new. IDK if I should use a separate blog or something, But for now I'll do it here. Kind of a "My philosophies" sort of thing. Well, I like the old pc's better for...IDK why. The command line is more appealing than window 7's cluttered gui. And, I like running command line Linux thing just for fun. It's cool how you type text and it gives you a text response. It's cool how it's just white text on a black screen. It's cool how it lo



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