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Burnt cookies and frozen donut maker's oficial blog

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First sdl game

Did it in 1 hour. version 1. Basic tic tac toe. Version 2 will include draw checker, ai, and title screen. Here's the topic http://www.rockraidersunited.org/index.php?/topic/178-first-sdl-game/page__pid__1616__st__0&



Everyone, I Am Blarging.

BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG. Seriously though. Acmex got me addicted to a blarg game, with blarg gameplay, that's like dwarf fortress combined with minecraft combined with RPGWO combined with PINGAS combined with a lunacy bin combined with the mass pinger 9001 combined with a keyboard combined with nuclear authentication disks combined with all normal people ragequitting it because the de



Dumping my RR dream here because.

Right kiddies, I want you to listen to this awesome experience I'm archiving here. Last night, I had a recurring dream. And in this dream, were a bunch of rockraiders. It was that one weird level I often end up playing in RR dreams. However, this time, I found several interesting and different things: A) There were two new floor types. The first was a modification of Ice, and the second was some sort of purpley weird rocky? ground. B) There was a big blue crystal/stalagmite growing



Busy Busy Busy

Busy, busy, busy, and still busy. I have done no PROGRESS on the model yet, although I have tried to work on it. I see eagle found a new bug in tdist...Will have to look into that. I have to learn to play the dig deeper mod for DF. I got a new game! Sold some old games...The ones I sold are this type: Pigltet's Big game (outgrew it), Rascal (Terrible camera and movement). So, any that fall under that went... I still have a bunch of games though, and my whole mari



Blog updates!

Yes, i have updated my blog mainly with a custom block. How do you like it? I also updated my blog with this post and rearranging around some things.



Back in Spring

I am back in spring. After playing several hours of naval war after naval war, who wouldn't. I'll upload the most epic one, 52 mins, someday It was fun though.



Another day

It sure is cold... Orr is...I'm stuck trying to add fps *still* Mod directory: Forgot to finish the updates.



Ancient Computers

Ya, I went through my bookmarks, and looked at all of them about various ancient computer stuff... Very interesting stuff... I am now basing most of my sigs and avatars on most forums I joined off the info I have learned. Btw, OLD PC'S BEAT MODERN PC's. WINDOWS FAILS, LINUX SUCKS, MAC IS CRAP comment if you want me to share my knowledge on old computer technology and such.



Added some more body this time

Hands are incomplete, since I hate the way the deforming of the joints at the elbow work. First I fix that. then I finish them. I also need to know what you think of the chest and stomach. A picture of the side so you can judge neck better, and shape of head. Again, I know it needs readjustment. But, give me all the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.



A Never Do With Sdl.

the_surface = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(the_surface); That will cause memory to be lost. It is unrecoverable - a memleak! Everybody's favorite! So ya, you're going to have to do something like this: SDL_Surface *the_surface = null; SDL_Surface *temp_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width, height, NPP, 0,0,0,0); the_surface = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(temp_surface); SDL_FreeSurface(temp_surface); //Free this. Ya, I would have much rather preffered removing the temp_su



A dwarf fortress 3D project

Ok, so I have a succession game in dwarf fortress on the bay twelve forums. Here's what I want to do: Take the intro story I wrote, and make it into a short movie. Probably only 1 minute, full 3D animated. I have already started, did the basic things first; Made the king's bowl, made the chair and table, then began to model the servant that comes in. The table is low-medium poly and so is the chair, so it doesn't look too good. However, I am impressed with how it turned out. An



3D Model; With legs

I know that it is nowhere near done, but...I am sick of adjusting and failing and trying over and over again. I will fix it later. For now, criticism please. Hands are temporary. Anyone want to help me texture? Only thing you'll get is credit for texturing.




Guess what ORR release 0.0.4 was? That's right, commit 322. Funny how 322 likes to pop up all over the place. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a "322" law of physics or something. Hah, wouldn't that be something? Anyway, ya, mostly pointless blog post. It'd be epic if it were my 322d blog update.



3 Rants

I typoed the blog name. What??? ARGHHHHH. ME NOT HAPPEH ABOUT THAT. Now to find out how to fix the name... 2: Girls. Everybody knows how immodest most girls dress, correct? One major influence of this is the fact that pretty much all the clothes in the women's section are immodest. Wanna dress modestly? It's gonna cost you a lot of time. Idiots. You cloth companies are just making the situation worse. Final Rantdown: Games. I WANNA MAKE MY WORLD SIM. BUT I HAVE ORR TO FINISH



"You're more than halfway there" Need more feedback on the model.

Ok, I have done some of the things that have been suggested. - Made the cheeks better. Right? - Moved the eyes in towards the center more - Made the nose bigger and tried to make it rounder - Fixed elbows, and deforming works good until around 90 degrees, like you said Cirevam. Thanks! - Will make arms thicker, as eagle suggested, not feeling too good right now. - Made chest better Alright, I want more CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. And thanks for all of your support!



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