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Goob's infamous day

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Today eez good day

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Damn Vandals...

I want to tell you all how much the neighborhood loves to see a yellow truck running around. But they realize they can't afford one, so they exercise communism on me. And to show their love: They key the hell out of it. They take the tires, the tailgate, the doors, the hood, the muffler, the catalyc converter, air conditioner, head lights, tail lights, the battery, and my XM radio. It looks like they took a 5 lb sledge hammer to the engine (minor damage, but the fan was destr



Mechanic Flush

Not too long ago in a galaxy not far enough away... I experimented with Ethanol E85. The outcome was an utter failure, and ended up losing about $80. Well, I ended up going less than 570, and went 350 miles, on a full tank of ethanol. What I decided to do is rip out the engine, take it COMPLETELY apart, record damage (none), and flush the components out with kerosene. The engine runs on gasoline just fine now.



Experimenting.... Failure

$4.00/Gal. Wow, now I'm seeing all these stupid priuses (or priui?) again. And the drivers are SLOW AS FUDGE WITH A CHERRY. Last weekend, I swapped out the 28 gallon petrol tank, to a 55 gal. I decide to get a full tank of petrol. 4x55=$220.00 I can run about 800 miles on a full tank. ~17mpg Realizing the price of petrol now, I start an experiment with Ethanol 85; that new thing everybody talks about. On a full tank of Ethanol, now $300 (about $5.45/gal). Assuming from the price,



I Can't See You Down There...

Why do people have this fad to purge the vehicle of suspension, then place the axels and steering column below the frame? If you don't know what I mean, look here. SERIOUSLY?? HOW MUCH FREAKIN LOWER CAN YOU GET?? They're not funny. Especially when you unintentionally run one over with your truck because you couldn't see him. Now I'm 16. What is the insurance gonna say? This is my father's. This is a truck like mine. Ya now see?



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