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Rolling round in tangerines

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My collection of LEGO games that has kept me entertained for many years (some more than others). There's also a couple of not-games in there that were among this lot in my cupboard.

Show in this picture are:

LEGO Island (PC)

LEGO Island 2 (PC)

LEGO Island 2 (GBC)

LEGO Island Xtreme Stunts (PC)

LEGO Island Xtreme Stunts (PS2)

LEGO Racers (PC)

LEGO Racers (PS2)

LEGO Drome Racers (PC)

LEGO Stunt Rally (PC)

LEGO Alpha Team (PC)

LEGO Rock Raiders (PC)

LEGO Loco (PC)

LEGOland (PC)

LEGO Creator Knight's KIngdom (PC)

LEGO Chess (PC)

LEGO Creator Harry Potter (PC)

Bionicle: The Game (PC)

Galidor (PC)

LEGO Football Mania (PC)

LEGO Star Wars (PS2)

LEGO Star Wars II (PS2)

LEGO Indiana Jones (PS2)

A few LEGO Software demo CDs (PC)

LEGO Mindstorms RIS 2.0 (PC)

LEGO Studios (PC)

I have also owned extra copies of a few of those over the years. I did used to have an original LEGO Island 2 box, the one with the Brickster fig, a long time ago. I've also several other games/versions but these are the ones I actually own at the moment. All bought from real shops, no ebay here. Nothing second hand, they're all mine from my own childhood yay. I have some other demo CDs somewhere and also loads of the old Bionicle mini-CDs but they're not very interesting. I think that's about it...



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Error: LEGO Collection overflow. Seems that more people own these massive LEGO game collections, more than I thought.

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Look at the demo discs! Are they all the same?


Error: LEGO Collection overflow. Seems that more people own these massive LEGO game collections, more than I thought.


I wish I were one of those people.

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Look at the demo discs! Are they all the same?


I haven't looked at any of them for about 10 years, but from what I remember, they are not all the same. I'll have a look later. 

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I'd kill for a collection like that.


I think that's my cue to hide...

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Not bad.

It's about as many as I have, although I have more new games, fewer old ones, and more duplicates of old ones.

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Not bad.

It's about as many as I have, although I have more new games, fewer old ones, and more duplicates of old ones.

I've played most of the TT games not shown here but haven't bought any since Indiana Jones. The format is just getting a bit old for my liking.


I haven't touched Galidor for a long time and I hardly played it back in the day anyway. But apparently it's LEGO so you know.
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I haven't touched Galidor for a long time and I hardly played it back in the day anyway. But apparently it's LEGO so you know.

Whether it is technically a LEGO game or not depends on who you ask...

I personally have no problem with the series (I even kinda liked it) but it gets a lot of hatred. Which is why I was amused that you included it.

Better to cover all bases, yes?

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I personally have no problem with the series (I even kinda liked it) but it gets a lot of hatred. Which is why I was amused that you included it.

I haven't seen the TV show for a long time but I remember liking it too :P I never had any experience with the actual toys but I guess that fact that they are so un-LEGO-like annoys people. Same with the game, there's no LEGO in it. If the toys and game weren't branded as LEGO I don't think anyone would hate them. Or even know they existed, probably.
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I need to gather my LEGO game collection and take a group picture now... or better yet, just take a picture of my game collection, since I only have 14 and 10 of those are LEGO...  :wimp:

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