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Leave or not?




Yep. A recent blog post by McJobless has noted my stupidity within my first posts: Linking to a website when talking about someone who had died, posting sound AVI's in random topics... *sigh* Then I came up with ideas (many of them were pretty stupid after all) which I posted up here. Later I realised there was a topic for project discussion, finding this out lead to many slaps on the forehead.

Now I am thinking... Should I leave or not? It is my choice (until I get banned from RRU) to do so or not. Of course no one cares about what someone does if it is stupid, impossible or just plain S***. I have tried different ideas and posts here but most of them get a wave from a hand with the word "Bah" coming out of people's mouths.


Yeah... This is the kinda thing that happens to me yet people are trying to help me. Some want to help with some of my ideas (especially with The Unexpected agent PROJECT) and some send me PMs, trying to ask questions and try and stop me from blowing my stack now and then. It is comforting but it is like trying to make breakfast but people go like 'No, you are doing it wrong' then they show you how it is done.

It is quite annoying and then there is the thing with McJobless. Almost after every post or topic I make he responds with something comforting or one that unexpectedly offends me. Don't ask me why he friended me once I joined. I guess he wanted me to feel welcomed after randomly posting stuff hither and dither and believe me I once lost it so bad that I said I would ruin RRU's reputation if I left.

Of course, that didn't happen and be relived about that if you want. Another problem is how my ideas just spill out of my brain almost twice a day and ono here. After a note from Fushigisaur noted this in my Office Drones (W.I.P) topic. I do understand but I find it hard to hold ideas in my head. Why? Because after a week goes by your idea just disappears from existence.

I am understanding how to do certain things within this forum but still I am always thinking I am doing something wrong. Now I wonder... Should I stay here and get banned at a point where my stupidness reaches its peak? Or should I leave and try and forget I was once part of the brilliant RRU community?

I have no idea...


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I believe the main thing people don't like is when you over-react and flame people that are helping you. Stop doing that and stop telling people to "get back on topic" and you would have less problems here.


should I leave and try and forget I was once part of the brilliant RRU community?

It is my choice to do so or not.

You have answered your own question.

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I find it hard to hold ideas in my head. Why? Because after a week goes by your idea just disappears from existence.

I have a lot of ideas too. Some might be LEGO-related, most are not. I don't post my ideas on forums every time I think of them because I don't think there's anything to gain by doing so. Sure, if you want to start a group project or something then a forum is the perfect place to look for help. But only once you actually have a decent pitch and some evidence that you've actually spent some time working on your concepts. If you start new threads several times a week saying "this is an idea I had, I'm going to do this and it will be great" but never have anything more to show for it than a sketch or a 3D model made by someone else, it becomes hard to believe that you are ever going to start any of these projects, let alone finish.

You obviously have a lot of ideas and an active imagination, and I understand that you want to get those ideas down as soon as possible before you forget. But maybe keep them to yourself at first. Write them down and do some drawings, you obviously enjoy that. Try to develop them further instead of dumping them on this site straight away and going crazy whenever someone offers criticism.

I fear I may be getting close to rambling nonsensically so here's what I'd do (and probably what I will do myself):

Pick one of your ideas to work on and prioritize that. Start with something small that you can achieve on your own without needing other people to do 90% of the work for you. You'll feel great if you can finish it and you'll prove to everyone that you can see things through, so people will be more likely to want to help you with larger projects in the future.

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When you have ideas, write them down on a document (digital, because it lasts). Flesh them out thoroughly before posting. Make drawings, models, whatever it is you do. When you're going to post an idea for something, look around. See if someone else has recently posted something similar, and if someone has, consider collaborating with them.

Part of the problem is with your responses to people's comments. At times, yes, people are rude. I'm often a jerk. But when people offer helpful criticisms, things to improve, you often ignore them and then explode. That's the real problem. When you post something here, expect more often than not to receive criticisms. If all you want is compliments, post on the LMB wiki or LMBs.


You choose to leave or stay. I was definitely out of line when I said earlier that you should consider leaving.


I think that this blog is a step in the right direction. You're acknowledging that there is a problem. Now work on fixing it.

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Just so you know, the thing with the friend? That's an in-joke. Look at my friends list. There's only a few active members I have left to friend.

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The Ace Railgun


Yeah Mcjobless is right about that, I mean this isn't facebook...so I wouldn't take it too seriously, and honestly I think that all you need to do is think abit about what people are telling you, and plan out project as a bit better. I used to do the same thing when I started doing school projects and it always felt like it was half baked...

But then I started the Bionicle: Parodied (I only recently started the script) after about 3 years or so of planning, and I still don't have it set in stone yet because you always have to be open to new ideas, and other people's suggestions.

Also I don't think you should leave a community just because you've made a few mistakes or ticked a couple people off because then you'll never learn to grow into the community. I'm not saying this to be mean or throw hate around, but it's just my honest opinion from my experience.

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My friend, you do what your mind think that is right.

You should think if you must select the green brick, or the red brick

(sorry, I had to, o/)


When I develop a game, for example, I don't post a post only with my ideas, I develop it a little, and THEN I post it, that's why I think this forum needed a "W.I.P. Topic" like MFGG, to post your meaningless work that isn't worth a new topic to post about it, and when you finally actually develop a thing about it, then you post a topic, just a tip :)


Well, that's all I can say for now.

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