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WTF is this bullcrap?




So recently I was in the toy isle of a local store looking for some cheap Transformers toys (oddly enough I did not find any. The entire store contained not a single transformer. Odd. Though I did find a LEGO set the resembles Optimus Prime).


While I did not find what I was there for, I did run into a bunch of toys that were just blew me away (in a bad way.)

Let's start with the bird-pocalypse, shall we?

I hate angry birds. Despise it. So It appalled me how many toys there were angrybird-themed.

Check it out:


Angry birds Hot wheels


Angry Birds K'nex LEGO ripoff


Angry birds STAR WARS JENGA!?!?!?

I'm not imagining this, am I?

I think I just borked my brain.

And speaking of K'nex's LEGO ripoff, we have this.


I actually read about this in Nintendo Power before it went under, but still. WHY NINTENDO? My kart looks better than these and these are actual official licensed merchandise with custom parts made for it and it is worse than something I threw together in LDD in an hour or two. WHY NOT SIGN UP WITH ACTUAL LEGO? It would assure some level of quality at least.

And on the topic of LEGO's competitors, we have this hodgepodge of MEGA BLOX licensed sets.

I have no comment.


And lastly,



Dafuq. I Don't even, like, what even IS this?

Bah toys. What have you been doing while I wasn't watching?




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Mr. Eight-Three-One


Please tell me if you can walk into a retail store without seeing something Angry Birds related in there anymore.

The Mario Kart cars do look like Lego ripoffs, but the track itself has almost nothing Lego-y about it. Probably why they won't sign up with Lego to do it.

Oh great, more Mega Blok garbage aimed at the wrong audience. Well, except for Thomas, but still.

Tetris? I actually remember them making a board game version of it, and I did play it at one point, and they actually did pretty well at converting it into a board game. This one just seems to be a generic board game with the Tetris name slapped on it though.

You know, on the subject of licensed board games, here's a fun game all in itself -- try to find a big-name franchise that has not been turned into Monopoly. Seriously, do it. I'll be waiting right here.

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I bought the Angry Birds Star Wars pc game just for the helluvit, didn't even scratch my wallet getting it. Not too impressed by the resemblence between them. As far as all the AB crap out not, it's just another company over working to get on top.


K'NEX can go jump in a hole and die as far as I'm concerned. They started out as a good franchise, making a more modern "Tinker Toy" themed building toy. I actually own a few of the early sets like the ferris wheel (not the remake) and will occasionally mess around with them. They lost my vote after they added brick pieces. That crossed the line. K'NEX couldn't handle the fact that kids liked LEGO and building with little bricks that are 100% interchangable, so they found the perfect way to ruin their product by taking a brick and drilling a hole in it big enough for a K'NEX stick to fit through it.


I will give you props with MEGA BLOKS. They have gone too far in the wrong direction with their themes. As you may know, I collect the Halo themed MB, just so I have a collection hobby that works for me. Other than the Halo theme, the best theme MB had was their old Pro Builder sets. I liked those, and so did my grandpa. The reason the Pro Builder sets were good was because they paid great attention to detail to their irl models. We gave my grandpa the Aircraft Carrier and the detail was spot on.


I must say the lack of good themes is really dragging down not only MEGA BLOKS, but LEGO as well. Their themes seem to be a bit lacking than what they used to. Also the fact that my local stores have stopped selling Technic sets on the shelves, the only sets left I really have interest for, is really outrageous.


All in all, the lack of ideas for kids toys is beginning to become really noticable. My theory? All these companies tell workers to write down the dumbest idea they can think of, put them in a hat, and draw from said hat at the beginning of each week for their next product.

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K'nex using bricks in their sets. You dissapoint me K'nex, you used to be original. I bet those sets use cheap low-quality plastic bricks; after all you have to make unstable structures for the birds to destroy.

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I need say nothing about AB. Everyone else (and I'm sure others yet to comment) have already expressed my feelings.
K'Briksnex? I just..... they are just going down the wrong path. I own some K'nex, from mid-2000s, but I never really liked them (I preferred LEGO, and to think I passed up buying a LEGO set for them).
You forgot Mega Barbie. :P
Skylanders? Bad idea for MEGA BLOKS, just like Halo. Children do not need to play M rated games. Plus, did you see one box containing a Skylanders character called Trigger Happy? Oh yea... such a positive message. Oh, and don't forget the Smurfs!

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I appreciate classic K-nex, it has a framework style that can efficiently fill a niche that LEGO can't with roller-coasters or pinball machines, unlike all the LEGO clones. It can also operate at larger scales with cheaper and viable costs, a trait that syncs well with the Mechwarrior line of K-nex sets. At least that was back when I bought a few sets. Now I've stopped paying attention because... well, no more Mechwarrior.

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Wow... ...Angry Birds Star Wars Jenga... ...that's like... ...ehm... ...I think, that we reached a new level of madness.

I'm impressed by the fact, that the store didn't implode because of all those bad products.

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You know, on the subject of licensed board games, here's a fun game all in itself -- try to find a big-name franchise that has not been turned into Monopoly. Seriously, do it. I'll be waiting right here.


How about lego?

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K'nex using bricks in their sets. You dissapoint me K'nex, you used to be original. I bet those sets use cheap low-quality plastic bricks


Lowest quality plastic in the universe

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K'nex using bricks in their sets. You dissapoint me K'nex, you used to be original. I bet those sets use cheap low-quality plastic bricks


Lowest quality plastic in the universe


It's probably only one molecule away from margarine. And just as flimsy as margarine is. :P


Wait that AB slingshot thing is K'NEX? K'nex with BRICKS ON? I liked the other old stick and joint things as they gave you a sort of Technic-style building, but what is this. WHAT IS THIS?


This is why I haven't been in a retail store, since, oh, about 2010.

I'm glad I haven't.

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