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Rolling round in tangerines

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Throughout my childhood I spent a lot of time drawing and writing comics and making terrible animations, including a fair bit of LEGO stuff. Over the last 6 or 7 or 8 ish years that's kind of...stopped. But it's something I plan to get back into properly in the near future. So I dug out my crappy old tablet and produced the masterpiece you see above, a work I call "Crudely Drawn Happy Afro LEGO Man".

My tablet isn't a fancy wacom thing, it doesn't have its own screen, so I'll have to get used to drawing without looking at the pen again, but that shouldn't take too long, right? D: Although, last time I used this tablet, iPads were not even a twinkle in Steve's eye so I suppose it might be worth trying to draw with that, at least then I can see what I'm doing :P

I'll open the bidding for this particular piece now :)



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My tablet isn't a fancy wacom thing, it doesn't have its own screen, so I'll have to get used to drawing without looking at the pen again, but that shouldn't take too long, right? D: Although, last time I used this tablet, iPads were not even a twinkle in Steve's eye so I suppose it might be worth trying to draw with that, at least then I can see what I'm doing :P

You can use it. That kind of drawing tablet was used long before touch-screen ones, and in the hands of the right person, work better than an iPad ever can.

Besides, rio has gifted an older (2008?) Wacom drawing tablet, 7 inch square surface, I think, it has no touchscreen, yet he can make some nice stuff with it.

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Would you like to trade that for a picture I made on a canvass with the words 'gone' in a grafitti format with the 'o' replaced with a stickman's head with a helicopter hat almost entirely created by me?

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Would you like to trade that for a picture I made on a canvass with the words 'gone' in a grafitti format with the 'o' replaced with a stickman's head with a helicopter hat almost entirely created by me?

And why would he want to do that?

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