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How the SMLC is ACTUALLY constructed.




Hey all, I just finished my own recreation of the Small Mobile Laser Cutter and thought I would share my thoughts on it.

First of all here it is:





(EDIT: Just noticed I forgot the yellow "V" plate on the back of the laser. oops.)

Both of the models posted on this forum (by PeabodySamn and Oboe Shoes) seemed to assume the teal on the back was a solid mass, but it's actually two seperate pieces that are not attached.

So what's so ming blowing about this?

Well, see the gap between the laser and the chasis on the front?

It's also on the manual image.


And both models lack it. So what did I do?

You ready for this?




I have to thank PeabodySam and Oboe Shoes though, their models helped me figure out a couple sections that were confusing me.



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Aha! We have done it! My research and Oboe's contributions have been building up to this moment! We have solved the eternal mystery with SCIENCE!


... or something like that.


But yeah, the back of the Small Mobile Laser Cutter was the one thing that I couldn't quite figure out.  I'm not sure why it never occurred to me that the teal wasn't one solid mass (maybe due to the in-game model cutting a few polygonal corners or something), but this certainly makes more sense.  And well-spotted with the whole slider block deal.  Excellent work!

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I'm not sure why it never occurred to me that the teal wasn't one solid mass (maybe due to the in-game model cutting a few polygonal corners or something)

I would think that's exactly why. The model is staggered, with the bottom teal block further out than the top one, but in-game it's completely flat.

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So there is nothing holding the laser in place apart from the 2 teal Erlings? We could in other words create other tools that slid in the same way and make the SMLC a multipurpose vehicle?

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So there is nothing holding the laser in place apart from the 2 teal Erlings? We could in other words create other tools that slid in the same way and make the SMLC a multipurpose vehicle?

I don't know what an 'Erling' is but I assume you mean the blocks on the end that block the slider, in which case the answer is yes. If you removed those blocks you could slide the laser out and replace it with something else. This is an interesting idea...

EDIT: I now know that an Erling is what people call the side-stud blocks. TIL

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So there is nothing holding the laser in place apart from the 2 teal Erlings? We could in other words create other tools that slid in the same way and make the SMLC a multipurpose vehicle?

I don't know what an 'Erling' is but I assume you mean the blocks on the end that block the slider, in which case the answer is yes. If you removed those blocks you could slide the laser out and replace it with something else. This is an interesting idea...

EDIT: I now know that an Erling is what people call the side-stud blocks. TIL

Actaully, that would make a lot of sense to make a vechle like that. Pull two pins and the work module comes out.

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