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On a Saturday morning errand to Target, I found myself doing a strange activity: SINGING "Mama Papa Brickolini!" I am an extremely private and non-expressive individual, and such a display of singing is unheard of from me, even in the privacy of the vehicle. Soon after this bizarre performance, somewhat embarrassed, I began to question my own sanity. As I pulled into a parking lot, I noticed a seasonal kid's consignment sale at the adjacent commercial space. I am one of those ultra-frugal types who scours everywhere from the yard sale, to the thrift mart, to the clearance aisle in search of a cheap brick. At this time I ignored it, as the sale was in the final three days of it's one month sale and fifty percent off everything, which was a pretty good indication that everything of value was snatched weeks ago by a thrifty and feisty mother; thus I continued on my mission to accumulate consumables.

Upon purchasing the goods and securing them to the car, I quite impulsively abandoned them to check out the consignment sale. There was nothing appealing in the toys section, so I turned to leave. Spotting the electronics section, I pondered whether a classic LEGO game might be hidden in the collection of ancient videogames. I carefully searched the various titles, beginning to lose hope, yet my flipping through the various titles would soon reveal its merit. In the final box of PC games, I uncovered a copy of LEGO Island! This relic of LEGO gaming is nearly as old as I am, with about five months' difference. Attached to the cover was the price: fifty cents. I quickly ran to the check-out counter, and purchased the game, with a fifty percent discount, plus tax, for a grand total of $0.27 cents! I was ready to leave LEGO Island? the consignment store at this point, anxious to hear the Infomaniac's "WELCOME TO LEGO ISLAND!"



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I'm sure you ran to the counter like a maniac muppet and slapped it down on the counter.

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I'm sure you ran to the counter like a maniac muppet and slapped it down on the counter.

Pretty much. The cashier was probably wondering why a young man was so desperate to buy a 16-year-old game "suited" for children ages 6-12.

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Did it come with the Infomaniac fig?

I wish. However, I already have a classic Infomaniac (thanks, Bricklink), an extra red "police" hat, and the newer Extreme Stunts Infoderpiac torso. 

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