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My computerfast begins




Right, first off 'ComputerFast' is NOT a word if you are wondering. Second I decided to not do this as a Profile Feed because it would be too long. And three... Urm.... I'll just explain...

Starting tomorrow (Friday 14th March 2014) I will not be attending my computer. Lately I have been having troubles in school (not to do with bullying) and my only guess is because of how much time I spend on my computer. This 'Abandoning computer thing' will last until I give up, so if you are going to ask me a question, send me a PM or whatnot then don't expect a reply immediately.

I will make a Profile Feed for when I come back. Hopefully this'll give you some 'Ben24x7less' time to spend. Cheerio.

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The fact that you are doing this of your own volition is admirable. I hope you do better in school. I wish you luck.




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