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Space Empires 5




I still haven't stopped playing this. lol. Lot's of fun

Anyway, here's the stats.

My current mission, I am playing as the Terraform Confederacy.

The background goes like this.

Some of the rock raiders were left behind on Planet U. They conquered all of planet before the LMS explorer returned a few decades later.

By then, the rr's on planet U called themselves The Terraform Confederation. The RR's that had left likewise called themselves Rock Raiders United.

The two forces joined into the Terrafrom Confederation.

They achieved inter-stellar travel and began to colonize the other rocky planets in that system.

Soon, they became the most powerful empire in the galaxy.

Now, here is where the main action of my playing begins.

The Confederation soon discovered other highly advanced races. The first being these psychic praying-mantis like beasts.

The two races despised each other and soon went to war.

Confederation scouts attempted to explore further into the galaxy where was believed the Sheiphiy homeworld was.

However, the scouts were ambushed and destroyed.

Not six months later, several large Sheiphiy fleets attacked the Confederation's outer-most frontier planet in the system of Arklite.

Arklite's II defenses were quickly overpowered and the Enemy's troops landed on the planet and destroyed all of the Confederations Work on it.

That is where I left and came to rru to type this up.

Updates? Whenever I feel like it.


Over the mass expansion of space, the captain stares out the bridge into infinite.

"Caption, hyper wakes detected from the warp point."

"Call action stations. Our fleet of 3 Amsterdams will engage the enemy as they emerge. How many do you estimate will warp in?"

"Our calculations show 11 hyper bands active."

"Good. We're low on ordinance, so use the missiles as a last resort. I knew I should have called in for resupply..."

Several hours later, blinding flashes of blue like streak through space as a fleet of 11 enemy frigates emerge from warping through hyperspace.

A machine aboard their ships speaks out, "Confederate ships located, prepare to engage."

The advanced technology of the confederations allows their amstardams to fire depleted uranium shells at longer ranges than the Sheiphiy's small depleted uranium canon.

"One ship has been annihilated. Two ships."

The count increases.

"We're entering their range of fire."

shells burst out from the 5 remaining frigates.

They take out 2 Amsterdams and heavily damage the third before four are blown up my capital ship missiles.

"Sir, shall we attempt to flee? We have but one shell left."

"Never, we will die fighting for the Confederation."

Come back next time to find out what happens next to our captain.



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