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JAL's Music Corner

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Drill Master



"It has been Unleashed..."

Hello everyone and welcome to my latest track called "Unleashed". It's about time I posted some new music to my channel. Enjoy!


Let me know what you guys think!



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Okay, I'll do some criticism about this, like a friend of mine does with my musics. Expect no mercy. :P


Generally, the track is badly equalized and the levels are also badly regulated. The instruments that have this problems are the drums and the guitar in the background. For the rest, this is actually a very good music, I like the melodies and how it goes on. Good job on that. :thumbsup:

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Okay, I'll do some criticism about this, like a friend of mine does with my musics. Expect no mercy. :P


Generally, the track is badly equalized and the levels are also badly regulated. The instruments that have this problems are the drums and the guitar in the background. For the rest, this is actually a very good music, I like the melodies and how it goes on. Good job on that. :thumbsup:


New music, at last! :D

I've been under a bad spell of Composer's Block lately, so just getting this track out took several weeks, which is part of the reason some elements are shifted and off. (And I suddenly got a ringing in my left ear just then typing the last sentence. Perhaps a sign?) But I think I'm out of it now and can begin composing more frequently with better quality (I hope). I've already got a new track finished ready to upload next week, so hopefully that will suffice. Anyway, thanks! :D

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This could work really well as an OST/background track for a game, and I'm quite fond of the composition. It's just a bit "unbalanced", as Shadowblaze mentioned.

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Nice icon/intro thingy.


It has a nice feel, and sounds in places like MNOG1, but certain instruments (can't tell what they all are :P) are very rowdy in the bass where they should only be an accompaniment.

It seemed to have a rather short ending (just like 'the song stopped. Oh', but maybe you like that.

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