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(UPDATED!)Download RRWolfy's Data Biome Here!




Let me know what you think of my first biome attempt!

Update: Seems most of the things that didn't work were due to the pictures accidently being saved as 24 bit. uploaded a new version that works.

So don't forget to download the fixed version I uploaded on the 28th!

Update fixes the following:

  • Erosion tiles
  • Lava Tiles
  • Ore Seams
  • Slimy Slug Holes
  • Multiple of the alternate images

PS: I do plan to make a somewhat better looking version sometime.



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No pics no clicks, you should know. :P

well I was planning on adding those today so :P right back! :)

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I think you could work on making the Power Path squares a little more noticeable; to me they seemed like normal blocks.

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I don't know, it feels like it is missing something.... Oh yes, that is it.




eeeeekkkk!! creepyface! :P

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eeeeekkkk!! creepyface! :P


You didn't get it, did you? :P


"Data Biome"


"It's missing something"


*Insert picture of Data from ST:TNG*

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ahh my bad I've not seen star terk so had very little knowledge of the character.

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I think you could work on making the Power Path squares a little more noticeable; to me they seemed like normal blocks.

I did

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The rubble was fine, really. I quite liked them.

But now the paths are just normal Power Paths... your previous idea was better...

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The rubble was fine, really. I quite liked them.

But now the paths are just normal Power Paths... your previous idea was better...

lol the previous wasnt my idea. that's a video from the data raiders W.I.P. Overhaul which I had nothing to do with.



I will work on adding the Rubble tiles as seen in the video and will see if I can't think of a new design for the Power Path; any suggestions/ideas?

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  _  _  _

| _ | x  | _ |

| x  | x  | x |

| _ | x  | _ |


That's your 9x9 grid: colour the x's in with a bright color. Not bright as in AAARGH IT HURTS MY EYES bright (coughShadowblazecough :P)

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  _  _  _

| _ | x  | _ |

| x  | x  | x |

| _ | x  | _ |


That's your 9x9 grid: colour the x's in with a bright color. Not bright as in AAARGH IT HURTS MY EYES bright (coughShadowblazecough :P)

wanna explain what you are referring to? the rubble tiles? or...?

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