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RRUDev: RockLauncher





If you don't know what a game launcher is, it's a program that pops up before you start a game. RockLauncher allows you to turn mods, levels etc... on and off before you start the game. When you hit "Play" the mods will automaticly be applied to Lego Rock Raiders. Now the mods don't come in-built into the program. The mods are added from a folder which contains the mod scripts. These scripts tell the program what it needs to change when applied. This means you can make your own scripts and share them on the forum. Users can then download the script, place it in the correct folder and when the program starts it will be in the list.

So far, the interface is complete and I'm working on the mod application side. The program will be done when it's done, so please don't ask me. When the program is finished, I'm considering making it open source.


If you haven't been keeping up-to-date with the progress on this, the latest BETA release is Dugg BETA 2, available in the Modding Tools forum. The next BETA to come will be the High BETA which will introduce height map editing into the program. It also contain some changes to the placing of Slimey Slug Holes and a few other little things.

EDIT: High BETA 1 has now been released.



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Intriguing... how did you make the border? That information would sure give ORR a boost. But great idea.

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I thought it looked familiar...and the crystals are a bit of freelance design then?

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