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An Infomaniac Has Been Found

The Ace Railgun



Well I dug around my old box of minifigs and found my Infomaniac fig. I have no clue what set he's from but I have him along with Pepper, the original Brickster, and one or more of the Birckolinis somewhere.


I put him on the plate just to help stabilize him for the photo :P So, anybody know where he's from?

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I don't believe any Brickolinis were ever released as physical minifigures (Hotpot excluded). Perhaps you're confusing them with different chef figs?

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She doesn't have Brickolinis, she only has Birckonlinis. :P
.............smartass..............but yeah, it's not a normal chef minifig I'll see if I can find them again.
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Yeah, the Brickolinis have never been released with any sets. There has only been generic chef minifigures. And what do you mean by an Original Brickster? There's only one Brickster minifigure and a Brickster keychain that came with Island 2.

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Well, there are all of those other robber type minifigs, I just didn't want to confuse myself :P and yeah, I think I just confused them with my chef, maybe. I'll do more digging.

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