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Six Californias. Tank you, McStudz.




Thanks to a comment McStudz made, I, the impulse addictgamer that I am, have opted to create a blog following my rant in a status update on the recent proposition to split my state into six states.


Some of you might claim 50 isn't enough.

Some of you may think splitting each of the Hawaiian island into their own states should be our next course of action.

And some of you outright believe Scotland is the home of my kitty, Mr Prinzer Fluffypants the third.

Believe what you want, but I don't even have a Mr Prinzer Fluffypants the third.

Now then, Quignas (I thought that's how the first word was spelled? Daaang. I was so off :/ Sorry about that!) Quisoves Pugnat took my wild ranting, sat down, and actually thought about it (or maybe he stood? I wouldn't know). He proposed that possibly, just possible, one of the six new state governments would be fiscally adept, -- If only. This is America, after all. I once remarked on some fellow's exuberant spending habits, and he nonchalantly replied "Welcome to America, baby!" -- although such an occurrence would be unlikely, in his opinion.

Anyway, me being the glass cannon that I am, I set off on another rant about turkeys and pajamas what these states could do theoretically and practically. For one, never ask people to come up with 6 new flags. That stuff's scary, man. Consider 6 financially responsible governments versus one government that just throws money out its window (does anybody actually do that? I'd camp out near that Window. Not under it, though. Because if they're throwing out money, they're likely throwing out other things too). Yes, a reboot for the one government, giving 6 new governments a chance to take responsibility for what they're doing with all these new officials and whatnot has a chance of resulting in a fiscally adept government.

However, there would be many redundancies introduced. And money would be lost for all of these redundancies. Like choosing new six state birds, and hunting down 6 new state minerals. Geeze, you know how hard it is to choose a state mineral? Should we go for the light blue chalcedony, the dark blue, or carnelian agate? And what about pets? You can't brag about your pampered San Francisco poodle anymore, since you like one bridge too far to even be in the same state! Guess you'll have to give up the idea of using your poodle as the state flag, too. the education system in particular. The more pieces the state would be broken into, the more money'd be wasted. All of those additional bureaucracies, legislatures, 6 concurrent debates on where to build the stadium for the Sacramento Kings instead of just 1, officials, and systems. All superfluous and a huge waste of money and time. So, it's unlikely that even if the resulting 6 governments are more fiscally adept than the 1, they may very well not end up outweighing the permanent whirlpools of money waste the redundancies represent.

But(t) if we're talking practically, that's not the only thing to consider. There's a big difference between interstate and intrastate such as the complication women are from Venus and men are from Mars represents. More overhead is never a good thing. You learn this when you use computers and don't have frequent flyer. Interstate adds complications that would end up costing even more time and money the government, businesses, and even people because who gives a cat's buttocks about businesses? We're people, not TV stores, for crying out loud! Somebody change the baby's diaper, it's stinky and noisy in here. And don't forget hidden losses. They're like the invisible ink writing on contracts that lets the company play spoy.

And finally, the tank in question:




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Woa, that's a rant xD.


Okay, I posted it in the shoutbox, but I guess, that this place is better for that matter:


I don't live in the USA and don't know the situation in California, but why did someone suggest to split up California into six parts (afaik there was another status update from you some weeks ago, where BobaFett2 added a link to an article, that said something like "the idea seems dangerous, because the poorer parts of California would get poorer and the richer parts richer")?

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Well, it sort of makes sense why it was even proposed when you consider who proposed it: A billionaire from Silicon Valley.

Not the people, not the state legislature.

It's a petition by a billionaire. And he somehow got 1.3 million signatures. As I've said, I have no idea how. I know of nobody that supports this. Even the 2 state splits that come up frequently, most people wouldn't vote for those.

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Okay, thank you for the answer.

Hmm, it looks more like a petition for a situation, where only a few would profit from it and not the majority.

About the number thing: You have to consider that 1.3 million signatures aren't that many in comparison to the total population (~3.5% ?).


btw: I have found out, that it was a status update from Ace, where BobaFett2 posted the link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/07/california-6-states_n_4890982.html

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I'll probably write a response to this at some point, but right now I'll just say that arguing for or against splitting up California is a bit of a mute point because it will probably never happen.


Firstly, I'm not sure if its even legally possible.


Secondly, it would add ten more senators to congress, meaning that it would potentially shift the balance of power in national politics. Neither party would want to take that risk.

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First off, yes, it's unconstitutional. But it's happened several times in the past : |


Second off, I've seen articles break that down. It'd barely change the political balance, supposedly.


Third off, more and more people are independent, because frankly, **** parties. That's the general consensus amongst my peers :D

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First off, yes, it's unconstitutional. But it's happened several times in the past : |


When? Virginia split up, but that was because Virginia seceded but some certain parts remained loyal to the union and so formed their own state. That is the only time a state split that I can think of. Supposedly there's something in the Texas constitution that allows for them to split into different states, but obviously that's never happened.


Second off, I've seen articles break that down. It'd barely change the political balance, supposedly.


It would enlarge the senate by 10%, and potentially make it much easier for the majority party at the time of the hypothetical split to get a two-thirds majority. With a two-thirds majority you can pass any law without vetoes getting in the way. 


Third off, more and more people are independent, because frankly, **** parties. That's the general consensus amongst my peers :D


Unfortunately that is not the general consensus of the population. :/

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California could only secede legally if the gov said it was okay. That will never happen, but California will probably sink/float away soon so maybe secession is possible by the earth literally moving the state away from the mainland.


"California is so terrible that even mother Earth is deporting it for bullying America with stupid laws." That would be a story.

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California will probably sink/float away soon


That's a good idea. If California is such a problem that it would need to be split into 6 new states, then I say we dig a trench along the border between California and the rest of the states, line it with explosives and light it, then we can proudly kick the entire state into the ocean and watch it drift off into the horizon.


I've stated my opinion on the matter. Good day.

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California could only secede legally if the gov said it was okay


When was there talk of Californian secession?

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. If California is such a problem that it would need to be split into 6 new states


I believe your missing the point. The point is not that Californian is trouble-state, the point is that California is such a gargantuan superenitity of a state that it needs to split up to be properly governed.

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California could only secede legally if the gov said it was okay


When was there talk of Californian secession?

There's some people who do want to secede, but I don't think that'd be a wise decision at all.



First off, yes, it's unconstitutional. But it's happened several times in the past : |


When? Virginia split up, but that was because Virginia seceded but some certain parts remained loyal to the union and so formed their own state. That is the only time a state split that I can think of. Supposedly there's something in the Texas constitution that allows for them to split into different states, but obviously that's never happened.

I don't think it matters why they split. They still split. Good reason? Maybe, but the best or worst reason don't change the fact that it happened.


Second off, I've seen articles break that down. It'd barely change the political balance, supposedly.


It would enlarge the senate by 10%, and potentially make it much easier for the majority party at the time of the hypothetical split to get a two-thirds majority. With a two-thirds majority you can pass any law without vetoes getting in the way.

Here's one such article I was referring to

It looks like splitting california into 6 states would create 3 new democratic states and 3 new republican states. It'd enlarge the senate, but if the number of registered democrats vs republicans means anything, the situation still wouldn't change much.

Third off, more and more people are independent, because frankly, **** parties. That's the general consensus amongst my peers :D


Unfortunately that is not the general consensus of the population. :/


More and more it's becoming the general consensus. I only need point at college life for the indignation young people have towards the two party system, but I'll do more than that:


We are just unhappy with two big parties clashing in fancy buildings getting their panties in a knot.

. If California is such a problem that it would need to be split into 6 new states


I believe your missing the point. The point is not that Californian is trouble-state, the point is that California is such a gargantuan superenitity of a state that it needs to split up to be properly governed.

The point is a billionaire in Silicon Valley thinks California is too big to be properly governed and that breaking it up into a bunch of states is a good idea. And apparently 1.3 million signatures agree with him, though I still know literally nobody who supports this idea.
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The REAL point is there's too many rich people in the world who have had their entire lifes handed to them on a diamond platter (I think we all know a silver platter doesn't cut it anymore these days), and get whatever they want just by waving stacks of green around.


"When I grow up, I wanna be a billionaire so I can cut up states into more states and make pointless squiglies all over the map."


"My fellow Americans. It is my honor to announce the 478th state of the United States of America. And remember, you can also create and name a state to be submitted as the 479th state of America."


That's another thing. The names for the new states are BS. Jefferson, North California, Silicon Valley (Silicon Valley, US... Don't think so.) Central California, West California, and South California... If I'm not mistaken, these are the proposed names for the 6 states. HA.

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Silicon Valley and Jefferson valley, yes. The rest of the states, Draper basically said "I don't give a damn what they're called. People can come up with names."

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Gimme that tank, I want to acknowledge that billionaire's face.


If you know what I mean

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I don't think it matters why they split. They still split. Good reason? Maybe, but the best or worst reason don't change the fact that it happened.


It completely matters why they split. It happened because most of the state rebelled against the union. That's a situation that will almost never(hopeful never, at least) happen again. Because of the odd situation it had to happen.


It was not that the government split up the state, it was that the state government had seceded from the union. It was not even a known fact that there would be two "Virginia"s until Virginia had been taken back.


I'm almost entirely there is no provision in the constitution, or any federal law for splitting up states in peace time, or at any time.

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