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My first car!

Drill Master



Hello everyone! DM here with an update to lifeness and such. If you remember, I said that I was temporarily leaving RRU to work on a major project along with other things like learning how to drive and getting a job. Well let's be honest, I never really left in the first place.

But I have been working on meeting the goals that I need to, and this is probably the biggest goal so far, getting a car.

A relative was tired of it, and when the water pump went out, so he used that as a reason to get rid of it and get a new car. Well my uncle heard about it, and let him know I was in need of a vehicle. So he said just come pick it up and take it.

So now I am the owner of a 1998* Mitsubishi Mirage DE

* I said 1996 in the forum awards topic.



Mitsubishi Mirage DE



Manual Transmission

Red (it looks pink, but it just needs a good buff and wax, and it will be red once more)

Need to fix the water pump.

Slow oil leak.

Left rear tire leak.

Possible exhaust leak.

200,000 miles.

So it has some problems and it's been well used, but it was free and it won't take much to fix it. It should be a good first car for me.

That's about it for news on my life so far. Yay!

(I can get the "I got a Ride" award now :P )



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Cool one! I don't think that old cars are bad for beginners. They are rather useful for learning to drive without all the technology and additionally you can learn how to fix your car on your own (which is not possible with the today's cars). My Suzuki GS500E (motorcyle) is from 1994 and so I can learn how to maintain it as well. I hope you will have some nice long time with your car :)

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Awesome! Does this mean you can give us all a lift to work?

Well it can seat 5 people, as long as 3 of them don't have any knees. There is plenty of space in the trunk for at least 2 people to fold up in. As long as you guys pay for the gas and international fees, I'd be happy to drive ya to work! :P

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Awesome! Does this mean you can give us all a lift to work?

Well it can seat 5 people, as long as 3 of them don't have any knees.



Papa Brickolini requests a lift :P

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Oh, and does it use diesel or petrol? Or something like nuclear power which I gather was rather hyped in the 1900s... G8Zgj.jpg


He's in the USA, I'm pretty sure it's petrol. Diesels are rare as hen's teeth over here.

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Nice car

Nice gut.



Can you not move the front seats forward a bit so the back people can actually sit down without having had surgery?


Oh, and does it use diesel or petrol? Or something like nuclear power which I gather was rather hyped in the 1900s... G8Zgj.jpg


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