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Thu'll Number System and College Finals

The Ace Railgun



Well, I finally had the time to scan what I had of the counting system for Thu'll, and it's Final exam/project time here in the US (for those at college) so i've been working on that too. For my Sound Design class we had to completely mute a clip and replace all the sound using various pre made clips and foaly clips(making our own sounds).

My current timeline:


(that long downward line is all sword strikes :P)

Which was pretty fun, then for my Lightwave 1 class we had to model and finish various objects ranging from dice to Tricycles.

An unfinished version of my project:


And finally I got to create a basic 1-10 counting/number system for my Thu'll language.


So yeah, it's been a pretty hectic week, and having doctors appointments every week doesn't help either :/ (Gender therapy takes forever to get through).

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That 3D scene. What is it?

That version of the 3D scene has a box of Girl Scout cookies being pulled by the train, a toy train and tracks, a Starfield, and a 3D version of my school's logo. Then I used a marble texture on a 2D plane and cranked up the reflection for the floor. The full version will also have 2 die, a tricycle, a soccer ball, and presents.

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Wait, so Thu'll is base ten? Or have you jut not added all the numerals yet?

I just don't have all the numerals yet :P

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