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My new bedsheet (it will all make sense later)




I bet you are all wondering "Why is a new bedsheet worthy of a blog on RRU?"

I'll show you why.


It started when I got my thieving little hands on a Rock Raiders promotional poster via TradeMe (the NZ equivalent of eBay). It lay unused for... six months? until my mother had the brilliant idea to make it into a bedsheet with her own two hands (and the sowing machine). And voila! I got the result for Christmas. ;D

Okay, it's not actually new as per se, as I got it for Christmas. However, it's new enough and in any case is probably worthy of a blog on RRU-*deleted* l405G.jpg

As for the poster itself, I got it off TradeMe as I said earlier. Where it came from I've no idea, but it was probably for a shop.



Recommended Comments

I hereby deputize you to sleep under a LEGO Rock Raiders poster bedspread, which is pretty cool.

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Non c'est pas mal.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were making a Doctor Who reference in your title. =P

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