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A ghost in the machine




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Well hello there! I think I joined not long before you left. As I'm sure you've noticed, RRU's a little different looking (and sounding, based on the increased number of users) then it was a couple of years ago.

As far as modding's concerned, off the top of my head we've uncovered a great deal about LEGO Racers and have also had various mods released for LEGO Racers 2. There's the whole thing about Rock Raiders 2 as well, if that thing is still going, and McJobless is no longer our Pants Enforcer. Uh... jamesster's been promoted to moderator, Cirevam is new world leader and Cyrem is now Grapheme-the-Supreme. There's a bunch of stuff that went on involving exploding pizzas in the toilets so I'd advise keeping away from the porcelain mess. And... The Brickster's loose again, but it's okay as we've sent our best minigame-beater out to score some points and take him down by making more explosive pizzas. This time they're controlled explosions though, we've used extra-special chilli.

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