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Mael's blog of doom

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A few things concerning Art Battle...




Before I begin this blog, keep in mind that this project was cancelled and shall not be continued unless i have enough time and more artists willing to work on the project, but even then i probably won't do it again.

So, i'm sure you've all heard about some sort of "top-secret project" me and ben were working on. I would hint it in the chat, and honestly i didn't exactly do a good job in hiding it as the hype was too much for me to contain. Well, i'm going to tell you all about this "project" in this blog post.

It all started on the 22nd of December in 2014 when Art Battle was still a thing. I had been sculpting in ark out of Art Battle, turning it into a story with the help of the other contributors (Fush didn't like it though, as it was straying away from the original formula of Art Battle). As ben was the user i decided to put an emphasis on in my comics (he was basically the protagonist really, which didn't make much sense as there isn't supposed to be a protagonist in Art Battle; Everyone is an antagonist) i decided to ask him for help with the creation of this story arc by sending him a simple message where i told him i was thinking about creating two, also protagonist-like characters named Jen (a feminine clone of Ben who was the head of Thundercorp's cloning department) and ROSS, the Robotical Operative Synthetic Scientist. (an A.I. working in the science labs who was slightly insane but still stable)

Eventually, we started fleshing out the characters and made the first comic featuring Jen, but it wasn't elaborated very far and was one of the last comics on Art Battle IIRC.

Ross, however, never got his own appearance in Art Battle and forever remained a piece of concept art.

As we started working further, i started working more and more on the "hero's journey" and the furthest we had ever gotten was when Ben goes down into the cloning pits and Joe, that stick-figure guy who kept screwing up in the beginning of the second art battle, saves him and blah blah blah.

Around Christmas art battle eventually fell apart and i decided to cancel the ideas. Before i did that, i was thinking about making a game/spin-off that would explain some of the outside parts of thundercorp but that didn't work out either (obviously).

Even though art battle died, i was haunted by great, juicy ideas but i had no idea what to use them for. Eventually i couldn't help myself and sent another private message to Ben titled "Meh, i guess it doesn't deserve to die"


I've been thinking about reviving Thundercorp into a stand-alone comic. With it not being continued off art battle (because its dead apparently) and not only that, if we don't revive it, there is going to be a lot of confusion.


Because i've been saving ROSS, the First Ben Clone, and Jen for future comics (For instance, stupidity comics (possibly, the RRU based stupidity comics died) or something else.) But the only issue with that is they'd be somehow not in the Thundercorp Dimension and the Thundercorp Dimension is basically frozen in time and space beyond the dimensional reality of thoughts and conspiracy.


Not only that, even Fund-Our-Corp is still active while Thundy is just... Frozen. Absolutely inactive. So i'm going to ask you if you'd like to help me create a comic series branching OFF of art battle so that i can actually explain some dang story.


Still, to this day even I don't know why art battle imploded.


If the answer is "No" that would be the obvious answer and the one i'm expecting because you're obviously busy with other projects.


And SFM.


But if the answer is "Yes", i should get to work and actually improve Snipe Clone or whatever his name is. That Barrette rifle needs a bit more work.


I don't want Thundercorp to die this horrible death. Like you said before, its an interesting plot element.



We then decided each-other's roles: I'd write the script, and he'd draw the comics.

The script wasn't very good at first because anything involving ayliffe putting on sunglasses with explosions in the back ground with his arms flinging all over the place and a canister of banana pudding flipping all over the panel is completely ridiculous.

I had started working on concept art for thundercorp vehicles, specifically the "GU-909 Prototype", "SU-4079 Dark Demolisher" (parody of the chrome crusher), and the "AU-4910 Lightning Scout" (parody of the hover scout). And Astro-Space-Guy, my real life best friend, provided concept art of the alternates, specifically Dark-Matter-Guy, and Some-Polish. We were also thinking about making the comics far more "HD" than the previous comics in Art-Battle, but i didn't exactly like the idea due to taking a very long time to create.

When JimbobJeffer's project, "Let's Make A Game" came, we had to put the project on hold which caused it to take longer. Afterwards, i took a look at our progress and all we had were three panels.

I then came up with another idea: It wasn't very realistic that thundercorp was this super-company that ruled the whole world, so i decided to make other companies and factions, which lead to Cyrus Industries, a company which produced and made the equipment for RRU and the Rock-Raiders. My idea for their soldiers were "perfected" Fund-Our-Corp drones who didn't speak, disobey orders, and were completely "dumb" and lacked A.I., and were referred to as "Hollow-Men" by Thundercorp soldiers.

We also had ideas for two more Thundercorp Alternates, which were known as "Xiton" and an unnamed Mumboking alternate, but the two had no actual concept art and were mere ideas.

As i realized more and more how ridiculous Thundercorp being the only involved company was, i decided to create more companies (my computer was unavailable at the time and so i had to draw the whole list in real life). While i was doing this, things were starting to fall apart, and Ben was unable to work on the comic enough, so i decided to ask Someswedish. However, Someswedish said he'd probably do it later on in time, but i lost contact with him and when my departure occured, the whole thing was falling through.

I wanted to announce it in August of 2015, but that never happened. However, we were still throwing around ideas (and ben had an idea of having LairofRockwhales as a Gman-esque character.) After i returned to RRU, on the 5th of August, one last idea was thrown, which was ben proposing to redraw Jen.

Finally, on Wednesday, 3:15 PM, i decided to ping Ben. He replied to me that he was unable to do the comic anymore.


I'm sorry, but I think I might as well give up on this;

I'm lazy, I don't like the stress of an unfinished project which I usually get unwillingly reminded about, and when a project becomes repetitive (drawing after drawing, in this case) I lose interest...

I'll post the strip in it's current process when I can get access to the iPad to access the latest panels I haven't sent to my computer yet...


...your idea wasn't terrible in any way, nor was I not interested at the start, but I'm not really the most reliable when it comes to commissioned projects.


And i replied with this:


1. Yes, you're lazy, but thats not a problem: Projects take a lot of time and it just happens. I'm lazy too, really.

2. Why stress? Again, projects take a lot of time and you don't need to stress yourself out about it. If its unfinished, its unfinished.

3. It wasn't like i wasn't expecting you to lose interest: As a matter of fact, i was believing you would leave before i did (but i started to lose interest as well after a while)

4. It was actually quite terrible at the beginning i must admit but what you think is fine. Maybe Art Battle 2 was just never meant to be finished.

Maybe someone someday will approach either me or you about this and people will know: This is like unused content, really. We wanted to do something but we didn't have the time to work on it and it failed. This is natural for projects, especially ones that were hidden for a while.

I might make a blog all about this project, maybe. It wouldn't be a bad idea to let people know about what was happening and why i was talking about a top-secret project.

Who knows, we might get a new artist after i post the blog.

I could try starting a new project and we could bag in the whole comic idea. We're just not there yet and not ready for picture media.

If i have the time i could try starting another project, specifically, that blacktron fanfic thing. Or, something completely original.

If i DO come up with a new project, i'll try to give you a less time consuming, less extremely important role so that you don't get stressed by laziness. But this is only if i do come up with a new project and if you do want to join it. And i'd rather do something with more people than do something myself, because coming up with my own ideas is very boring or annoying sometimes, because i always think "What if someone else had a better idea" or "I wish someone else was working on this project so that i don't get trapped in a gruesome writer's block."

My two LEGO Space fanfics failed due to the above.

Again, i might come up with a new project, i might not; and if i do, it probably won't really get too far if i'm not doing it with somebody else. My projects tend to function socially.


And it was true. I was losing interest; In-fact, i was more inactive than he was. I did very little and i didn't really come up with any actual ideas after the Jen-recreation proposal.


...So yeah, this is it. This was that top secret project i kept going on and on about. It just didn't work, and this was the first project we ever worked on, and we just weren't there yet. As you see in that message above, i decided to make this blog so that everyone would know about it. I doubt anyone's ever going to approach me and say "I want to continue the development!" Because if someswe didn't want to, why would anyone else do it?

I also doubt that Ben will do another project with me: I don't know why, i just do. I feel he's burned out by this and wants to do other things, and i completely respect that. And besides, i should've known: This project was a failure at the start, because the one thing that made Art Battle so consistent and fast was because EVERYONE was contributing to it, while we were just two people and only one person was making it. It just simply couldn't be done.

If anyone wants to do something art-battle related, or if an Art Battle 3 comes along, then i'd be happy to join.

When Ben gives me the unfinished comic i might post it on here, but i won't confirm it.

Well then, now that's over, i can focus on other things now. See ya later, folks.

(Edit: wow, this blog post has lots of links)



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I wish you wouldn't assume I would never do a project with you again.


I'm not "burned out" by this project, it felt like a chore to do when I wanted to work on other things, but I'm still willing to work on other projects, just as long as I haven't got incredible responsibility, which is a load I cannot bear a lot.

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Yes I've read this, but I haven't had interest in art battle, so I've got nothing to say on the matter.

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