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A Lego Rock Raiders remake




This is an idea that sprung to mind when I couldn't get Rock Raiders to work on my PC (even with all the helpful tutorials on this forum) and I wondered "Why hasn't this game received a remake yet so that we can still play this gem but without issues on newer systems?" And so I started my search for a remake and stumbled on some threads and one abandoned project that could be revamped as a Rock Raiders co-op multiplayer mode.


Now I understood from @Xiron that there were multiple attempts at a remake that nobody finished and I can understand that people will be skeptical but I can assure you, I don't like having to use my old 2003 PC at all and right now I'm forced to use that to play Rock Raiders so the annoyance with my old system will be a constant fuel for me to stay on track with the project. I will most likely will need some help from people with areas I have zero experience in like modeling and animation but other things like voices, sound effects, music and videos can be carried over from the original if I'm not mistaken. My idea is to just focus on creating a remake that is very true to the original but with a few additions which should make modding a lot easier like a custom map selection screen and a custom campaign selection screen. And after that I will focus on working on that multiplayer co-op addition and maybe after that start on a version with more complexity and a sort of grand strategy addition to it with more buildings and an expanded story line/campaign (could be just the RR story line but more complex or a sequel where they yet again have an incident in space).


I have been rambling on for a while now, tell me what you guys think and if there's people who show interest I will go on with posting more information about this project and discussing ideas with you people :) .


In general I won't be able to invest much time into the project right now this December with two work projects which have to be finished and the holidays coming up. Begin 2017 I can start working on it with a reasonable chunk of time next to helping out with @bphillips09's project wherever I can.

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1 hour ago, Xiron said:

You seem like you have potential, so I'll support you where I can.




Don't expect us to  be overly positive, but at the very least we will be interested to see what happens.

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Fair enough, just make sure to get the gameplay mechanics working properly before adding graphical polish to the game.

I'm sure you know about this already, but I feel it is really worth emphasising as it seems a lot of people forget about this and create a game that looks good, but plays or performs horribly.

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" like modelling" - speaking of, I already got a good chunk of the buildings and some tools already ready to go before this post was even made. ;P

I'll get them over once I know you're ready to start working on this.

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10 hours ago, aidenpons said:



Don't expect us to  be overly positive, but at the very least we will be interested to see what happens.


General interest is a welcome base I need, so that's good to know. Besides, I would like people to be critical and share their opinions about the project in the future whether they're positive, neutral or negative (as long as we all keep it in the realm of cordial conversation and no name calling :) ). Any feedback will be welcome since it gives me an idea of what I'm doing right/wrong/what needs a touch up.


6 hours ago, Ben24x7 said:

Fair enough, just make sure to get the gameplay mechanics working properly before adding graphical polish to the game.

I'm sure you know about this already, but I feel it is really worth emphasising as it seems a lot of people forget about this and create a game that looks good, but plays or performs horribly.


My first focus would be to deconstruct RR down to its framework, analyze how the systems work without all the graphical niceties and design a new system if needed. I haven't gotten around to this but will do so very soon as I'm mostly certain that RR wasn't programmed in C# since that language only showed up after RR was released and I would love to get the code over to C# so I can use it in Unity. Game-play is the priority and a smarter AI for the rock raiders themselves (because wow those guys did some quirky stupid s*** in the original at times). I know myself and that I want to delve into replicating the original maps into a new engine but thanks to a neat checklist I can only get on that once the engine is completely ready for the task. (test maps will be made of course for test builds of the remake).


4 hours ago, bphillips09 said:

I'm also happy to help out when I'm not working on Redux


Thanks mate :)


4 hours ago, Xiron said:

" like modelling" - speaking of, I already got a good chunk of the buildings and some tools already ready to go before this post was even made. ;P

I'll get them over once I know you're ready to start working on this.


Roger that, I'll let you know when I start on the project in earnest.


I will probably spend half my free time this week deconstructing the code of RR and will most likely create a new entry come Friday on the progress of that activity.

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