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This....IS....The 4th Of July!




For All The American Users, Hope You Have a Good Time!

I WAS Gonna Go To Ontario, Like Every Summer Since I Was Born, But My Granpa Is in a Walker, And Obviously Can't Stand the 2 Hour Drive

So...My Weekend Was Ruined

Hope Yours Is Better Than Mine!

*Instert Transformice Fireworks*



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This isn't helping the fact of a horrible thing that happened last night. :(

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4th of July: Independence day, Yay! The one day I can blow stuff up without the cops coming to the door... :D

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Dragon, your grandfather is in a walker. Instead of making him feel bad that he's ruining your weekend and that he isn't as mobile as he used to be, how about making the best of it and having some fun? It's summer! Go grab some fireworks and strap them to your old dolls to celebrate your Independence from people who taxed us to pay for a war that had nothing to do with us!

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Dragon, your grandfather is in a walker. Instead of making him feel bad that he's ruining your weekend and that he isn't as mobile as he used to be, how about making the best of it and having some fun? It's summer! Go grab some fireworks and strap them to your old dolls to celebrate your Independence from people who taxed us to pay for a war that had nothing to do with us!

Fireworks are illegal in my state

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Dragon, your grandfather is in a walker. Instead of making him feel bad that he's ruining your weekend and that he isn't as mobile as he used to be, how about making the best of it and having some fun? It's summer! Go grab some fireworks and strap them to your old dolls to celebrate your Independence from people who taxed us to pay for a war that had nothing to do with us!

Fireworks are illegal in my state

You don't know how to do illegal stuff, do you?

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Dragon, your grandfather is in a walker. Instead of making him feel bad that he's ruining your weekend and that he isn't as mobile as he used to be, how about making the best of it and having some fun? It's summer! Go grab some fireworks and strap them to your old dolls to celebrate your Independence from people who taxed us to pay for a war that had nothing to do with us!

Fireworks are illegal in my state

Eff that. Take an artillery shell and fire it at a squirrel.

Then wait ten minutes or so.

Then repeat.

Then wait twenty.

Cops won't catch you. :P

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This isn't helping the fact of a horrible thing that happened last night. :(


and WHAT THE HELL? Fireworks are ILLEGAL in some states? :o

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This isn't helping the fact of a horrible thing that happened last night. :(


and WHAT THE HELL? Fireworks are ILLEGAL in some states? :o

Yes because dumb kids like you are blowing their hands off or lighting them up in tunnels or pipes making it sound like a bomb exploded.

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like a bomb

Isn't that essentially what they are anyway?

Sharks are essentially fish because they are. I intended for people to understand there's a difference between "Firecracker" and "Gravity Detonated Atomic Bomb" by differencing the two. In other words, nobody's going to take down a building with a fire cracker, but setting one off in a large pipe or tunnel will cause people to think that somebody just blew something big and important up.

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