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I've Come Really Far In My Graphics Modifications...




I mean, look at what I've done. I started with replacing models. (the first "High-Poly Tools"). Then I started messing around in LightWave. Then I began using Blender to import the LWO's (but losing the texture :'( ), edit, export to LWO, open in LightWave, export to LW5. (High Poly Ore)

Then came my LDraw phase; I began taking models out of LDraw, exporting to OBJ, importing into Blender, edit a bit, export to LWO, open in LightWave, change surface properties, export to LW5. (my second "High-Poly Tools", then the Shovel, then the combination).

Then I started becoming proficient in LightWave. I started doing more and more of the tasks inside of LightWave, such as stretching, positioning, coloring, etc. (my electric fence, the first helmets, and the first collection of helmets). I also started employing the use of other programs, such as MilkShape, to use welding and other things. (the second collection of helmets). Then I started textures, after looking at some game models. (the third collection of helmets).

So I've done:

  • Ore
  • High Poly Tools 1
  • High Poly Tools 2
  • High Poly Shovel
  • Helmets 1
  • Helmets 2
  • Helmets w/Headlights
  • Electric Fence
  • Non-orange Elbow Animations

(I've done more, but I haven't uploaded them all. I've made a better-looking laser, textured ore similar to Doc's but not quite as pointy (still jagged, but not pointy), and a few other things)



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