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Bam! An Update On Roving Robots




even though I fell off the face of the Internet over here due to graduating from high school, going to college and finding a job (ps: need a python/assembly programmer?) I have actually been actively working on THIS, my github of roving-robots. I had decided that I would stop really talking much about it until the hardest parts for me were done or structured in a way that I could do it.

so; lets crack down on what I got:

the main block class:

class block(object):

    #non interface stuff

    def __init__(self,img,lable=None,num=None):

        '''example init:::


        we draw img's onto fake smaller surface so that we can use IT for an absilute topleft'''

        ##TODO::: make "active" setting for textbox, and other settings???

        if type(img) == str:

            self.img = lib.common.load_img(img)



        self.lable = lable

        self.lable_pos = 7,11

        self.surf = pygame.Surface((80,80))

        self.surf = self.surf.convert_alpha()

        if num is not None:

            if isinstance(num,input.Input):

                self.tbox = num


                self.tbox = input.Input(y=y,maxlength=3, color=(255,0,0), prompt=' ', restricted='0123456789')


            #used to let us know NOT to try and render this section

            self.tbox = None

        #nothing can link by default to a default block, use a subclass!

        self.link_down  = False

        self.link_up    = False

        self.link_left  = False

        self.link_right = False






    def draw(self,screen,rect):

        if self.lable:


        if self.tbox:




    def event_engine(self,events):

        for event in events:

            if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

                print 'happy days!'

    ##link block decorators:::

    ##if "set", tey set themselves to other, and also set other.xblock to self(or none if unlinking)


    def dblock(self):

        return self._dblock


    def dblock(self,other):

        if other is None:

            #set the other block's corrisponing to None as well...

            #use name in self because other is None right now...

            self._dblock._ublock = None


            other._ublock = self

        self._dblock = other


    def ublock(self):

        return self._ublock


    def ublock(self,other):

        if other is None:

            #set the other block's corrisponing to None as well...

            self._ublock._dblock = None


            other._dblock = self

        self._ublock = other


    def lblock(self):

        return self._lblock


    def lblock(self,other):

        if other is None:

            #set the other block's corrisponing to None as well...

            self._lblock._rblock = None


            other._rblock = self

        self._lblock = other


    def rblock(self):

        return self._rblock


    def rblock(self,other):

        if other is None:

            #set the other block's corrisponing to None as well...

            self._rblock._lblock = None


            other._lblock = self

        self._rblock = other

    ##location properties


    def loc(self):

        return self.__loc


    def loc(self,value):

        self.__loc = value

    #action stuff

    def action(self,robot):

        '''robotic action to take (turn, go fwd, scan/make desision)'''


    def next(self,robot):

        '''what is the next block? (give (x,y) or instance?)'''


    def drag(self):

        '''cleans up object for a 'drop' '''


    def able_drop(self,pos,pmap):

        '''find any problems with the drop and return False if obstructed.

        else return True'''


    def drop(self,pos,pmap):

        '''finalize a drop. actually places block on grid'''


    def save(self):

        '''return a string which will allow recreation of this block (type,lable,num,pos,binding)'''


    def load(self,s):

        '''places block and recreates block based on "s" '''


note: a HECK a lot o' stuff!

but here, most of it is, quick and simple, or a place holder for future updates.

lets look at the key functions of our block:

  • __init__
    here we just set things up. load the image into the object, set lable text, try to use text_box system(if given), and set up our fake render surface.

  • draw
    simply draw what is needed to fake surface, making it simpler to align everything, then draw to screen

  • event_engine
    simple place holder for when i start working on handling the whole text_box thing. might change.

  • Xblock(set and get)
    magical system that took me so long to figure out. simply put: tries to inject this block into corresponding other block, AND clear link if set to None. example: if block X is trying to link upwards with the block above it: Y; X calls Y.dblock = X (Y's Downblock equals X)

  • loc(ation)
    place holder for when the block need to be able to be saved to a file (pickle FTW!)

  • action
    place holder that a subclass over-rides to dictate what the robot does in this "code block" (call corresponding robot function/play animation?)

  • next
    returns the next block in the sequence of code. the point of it being a whole function is for when we have a conditional block, and needs to respond differently than others.

  • drop
    subclass place holder

  • able_drop
    subclass place holder

  • drag
    subclass place holder

  • save
    to be worked on when saving gets started. I know I am going to have to change a lot of how things load right now, but that is OK. I want it working first.

  • load
    ditto for load as for save.

there, now I hope understanding some of this spaghetti wasn't so bad?

well, this was just an update to show that I am no longer dead, and once again working.

next time will be going over the sub classing system for creating new blocks!



Recommended Comments

PS: anyone know how to get the [ code ] block to understand that this is python?

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Cirevam knows MIPS and of course mouse knows Python, so you could try to get in touch with them.

As for the code block, either

 or it doesn't do that.
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