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.....wtf?! (And Mission: Phoenix/going Deeper Update)




I just heard the most screwed up song ever! Now. The song was in a "You have to burn the rope" Parody.

General Updates

HellFire Chasm (RR Map #1) Is still being worked on. Been Working on it whenever I had free time, and Wasn't playing Fallout 3.

Mission: Phoenix (Previously Going Deeper) IS Slowly being worked on. SLOOOWLY. I keep losing Helluva lotta data due to my General Eff-ups.

HFC Is technically going to be the last level.

I might need some Help with my Overhaul.



Recommended Comments

I can help with Level Design, I am kind of in that mode. Also, If you take "Project", I will be making lot's of angry referneces to my project...you know...SKN?

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I've been modding RR longer than you have, Halofag Extreme.

YEAH? WELL...fine, that's 2-0 to you...but I plan to get you back one of these days...

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