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Email To Newtec.




Pardon the lack of formality, but can you make a version of LightWave for individuals?

The reason I ask is that most people on Rock Raiders United (I’m sure there are other communities out there that would find such a version useful) are around 18 and don’t necessarily have the income for such a thing. The only thing you would really need to do outside of simplifying it to bring the cost down is add support for the older LightWave formats (currently we need to convert files with 5.x). If it’s possible could you make is support user made add-ons? The things that must be kept are texture support and animation.

I hope this works, other wise, I'm screwed for making anything other than levels.

I also need to get some more of my videos (both old and the yet to be uploaded) named and linked.



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Please tell me you didn't send it...

You realize Newtek is a corporate business that creates software for use in movies and the latest games. They aren't no little company down "little Johnny" road looking for their next customer to sell a lollipop to. They do not make anything for free. If you were to ask them to custom build a version of Lightwave to your needs you would be looking a hundred to a million dollar bill.

Addictgamer already emailed them to see if they still sell copies of Lightwave 5 and they basically laughed and told him to get Lightwave 10.

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I still don't see why TMLC himself needs Lightwave. We have a dozen modelers and animators on the forum already, and TMLC has the Ldraw or whatever else files. It would be perfectly acceptable for him to export his stuff as OBJs then contract someone to make it LRR-playable.

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It consits of: the base(1), eight wheels(8), two custom cabins(1+1, they're different), the engine(1), the two wheel arches(2), the four parts of the reactor and its housing(1+2+1), the laser mount(1), the two lasers(2), and the cap to hold them together(1). Twenty two parts. That's a pain to make regardlees of method so I'll do only when it's about to be made.

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