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Lots 'o Things Happening




  • Cyrem! I sure do hope that he's all right...I'm awfully worried.
  • I got a week off because of a massive snowfall here in Georgia (okay, it wasn't massive, but the roads are still icy, and it's been 5? 6? days since the snow. Failure. I actually want to go to school. I mean, we get MLK day off as well...that's 10 days off. After Christmas break.
  • I am ordering a huge pile of LEGO bricks off of bricklink. This includes a laser, 5 LRR cabins, 5 roll cages, and 14 LRR drill logo bricks. They were uber cheap, (the one laser I am ordering for $1.11 costs about half as much as all the other pieces combined). I want 3 more lasers (the one I am ordering now is to complete my second LRR HQ set; I have 2, and a chrome crusher, but my first LRR HQ was ordered without the laser :( ). I am going to try and make all the LRR buildings and vehicles from the game, in addition to completing the sets I have now, and that involves getting 3 more lasers; two for the LMLC, and one for the mining laser.
    • Is anyone interested in obtaining the roll cages? They would be missing the yellow hinge pieces (won't be able to order them from the particular sits I'm using, sorry), but I have at most 3 extra roll cages I would be willing to send for free to any member who wants them (depending on the amount of interest I get).

[*]In addition to the LRR parts, I am also getting sufficient parts (I hope) to make Sariel's Jeep Wrangler

[*]I might be getting the Hailfire Droid set (the one with the big geared wheels), and the Exo-Force Mobile Devestator. Those wheels are awesome and I would love to get my hands on those. Not to mention the other cool parts.

[*]And finally, I might also be getting Lightwave V9.6 + Upgrade to V10, depending if I can order the Academic Version through a college-level teacher or student, or if one of my teachers knows someone who I could order it through.

[*]And I'm still working on modeling! Don't worry, I haven't abandoned my project. I just want to do other things every now and then.



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If you have LDraw, all you need to do is make a few custom parts and you can make all the LRR sets.

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You try designing the 'few custom parts'. I ain't about to do that.

If anything, I'll make the sets in LeoCAD (minus the missing parts) and just eyeball the missing parts.

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