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Current Mods I Have Implemented. This Is A Very Long List, And Could Get Longer!




Logical Step Original Release:

No mission threatening erosion, I thought Baz put enough troublesome things into his mod.

Fire walking Vehicles, I hate lava cutting of parts of the map, along with the stupidity.

Swimming raiders, grinders, and Hover Scouts, those three just make sense to cross water.

Fearless raiders, dang bats and monsters, do they HAVE to scare every body to death?

Additional Mods, organized by reason:


Hover Scouts Clear Rubble, I assumed that the driver has a shovel handy.

The docks now has the can upgrade line in its stats, but can't use it, yet.

The Super Teleport can now bring down RR and small vehicles.

Defend the Bases

RR OxCoef is 0.1, so I need less infrastructure.

LMLC has become the LMWP, one frame recharge time, ten block range, 1/212 of a crystal per frame. Discovered that the GS and the CC use the ML and the LMLC uses the BL, so now the GS and the CC have 1/256 discharge rates and 5 frame recharge tmes. Oops, oh well.

Rocky Horror now gives you a fairly complete base.

One to save the raiders from their stupidity:

Firewalking Riaders, does anyone know how to make them prefer water over lava and land over water?


24 waiting animations, including the famous saxaphone and using the laser beam for the heck of it.

"Friendly Fire" has been turned "off" for all lasers.

The line "damagecausescalltoarms true" has been added to all vehicles.

HiPoly mods are being implemented.

Bats cause damage (0.01%) and serve as "practice targets" for the RR during a Call To Arms event.

The BL can clear all walls within range in ten seconds. I think the ML a can do something similar.

I'm sure I have missed a few.


Eppy Pen has joined the fun:




Recommended Comments

Please fix this so there are no abbreviations.

It is almost imposable to know what you are talking about when you abbreviate every single thing in the game.

Is one of those abbreviations a vehicle you made?

Also it is called High Poly, not Hipoly.

You are going to have 24 idle animations? Do you know how hard that is going to be?

The way you organized it:

1. Logical Step Original Release

2. Additional Mods, organized by reason

3. Logic

4. One to save the raiders from their stupidity

5. Other

That is just a fail way of organization right there.

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Look around, you can find them.

They're almost all .cfg mods.

The most notable exceptions are reduced erosion paths and the "new" waiting animations, which are already found in the game. (Some were never meant to waiting animations.)

You'll find examples in the videos.

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