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I Would Make An Overhaul, But I Need A Few Things.




Things such as LightWave and possibly a C++ compiler as it may require a new engine to fully implement as it will have models of AIV and RRU members in it (yes, in the levels themselves) to add to the storyline. Don't be surprised if I ask you to voice your character for the "cutscenes." The other details can be found in another entry.



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Oh that's funny. First, you assume you need lightwave to make an overhaul. Second, what's this crap about a C++ compiler? I highly doubt you have any of the LRR source to recompile, and you can't just duct tape more compiled code onto the exe.

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Branching off what Doc said, a C++ compiler is unnecessary and lightwave technically isn't a required tool to make an overhaul with. This idea sounds good in concept but until we start seeing evidence of any of this being worked on, the community is going to take this declaration with a grain of salt.

I'd still like to see this succeed though.

Edit: upon rereading the blog post I notice why you think you need the compiler. You don't need to change the engine to implement new models into the game. Cirevam has made this clear in the Time Raiders screenshots he has provided thus far.

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60+ AI Driven models in the game at once. As far as I know the current engine only supports six. I'm not going to try to add to the engine, it'd be another branch of ORR. Besides, if I'm to move to the other computer in my quarters, I may have to write my own security software as it is running Windows Millinium Edition on its original processor, so changing the OS may not be an option.

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What the hell are you talking about? The game supports more than six AI-controlled units. You can have literally hundreds of raiders in a level along with vehicles and monsters, which are all driven by artificial intelligence. If you don't know the actual limitations of LRR, don't even bother making an overhaul by yourself. Extreme wanted to do so much with SKN that wasn't actually possible, and even though we found some workarounds, he had to drop a lot of what he had planned.

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More that six CLASSES.

I have some POSSIBLE workarounds, but exactly how to make them work is anybody's guess.

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What the hell are you talking about? The game supports more than six AI-controlled units. You can have literally hundreds of raiders in a level along with vehicles and monsters, which are all driven by artificial intelligence. If you don't know the actual limitations of LRR, don't even bother making an overhaul by yourself. Extreme wanted to do so much with SKN that wasn't actually possible, and even though we found some workarounds, he had to drop a lot of what he had planned.

It sucks too...then again, I actually think the game may be better with the changes rather than without them...we will just have to wait and find out...

@TMLC You can make more than 6 classes...how do you think I have so many enemy buildings, air-strikes, snipers, engineers, the players 7 unit types and all the various player buildings I'm adding?

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Lair has found that the game doesn't like it when you add more than twenty or so monsters. Weird things start happening, like buildings being renamed or the tooltip voiceover being wrong. I'm guessing it won't support sixty rock raider classes either, and there's absolutely no reason why you would need that many unless you were planning on making 100+ playable levels.

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Speaking of playable levels, exactly how do I add one?

The "classes" are really AI driven versions of us, so only a few will be in a cavern at a time, but will...just think LZ, Cyrem and Addict in one level to help out the standard team, and Pascal and Zephyr in another. That is the idea.

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Why do you need 60 raider classes? You shouldn't need more than 20 (as I estimate how many people could be present, but I really don't know what you have planned).

As for AIVs, you could add vehicle classes that don't allow a pilot and drive themselves.

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Lair has found that the game doesn't like it when you add more than twenty or so monsters. Weird things start happening, like buildings being renamed or the tooltip voiceover being wrong. I'm guessing it won't support sixty rock raider classes either, and there's absolutely no reason why you would need that many unless you were planning on making 100+ playable levels.

It will support that many Rock Raider classes. The issue is that you can add a few things, but when you get like 20+ monsters you also need to add extra stuff like sound files and it gets complicated. But I doubt 60 Raiders would be practical. I can't even think up that many monsters.

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