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Random Blarg From The Depths Of My Brain.




The number of my days on this planet have increased yet again by one year. One year closer to adulthood, and all it has to offer. But what do I think of this "promotion"? Shall I be content with all of the responsibilities and privileges I gain? Today I am at school, tomorrow I am at work, and the day after tomorrow is a movie! Nay I say, I shall not be content. I do not wish to live out my life and let it be a useless existence. But how. How will I make something meaningful out of the handful of years that are to be had in this world? That will be something for me to figure out at another time. At the moment, I must carry on with school, though I hate it. Very soon, though, the burden school has lain on me will yield its fruit and I shall have a job. A job I say! And not a mere job, but starting my career. What do I wish to pursue? I have a love for physics, and computer science. Not to mention Astronomy, which is my first love. But alas, I must work hard in school. I must suffer the ideocies of the American education system before I enter the golden years of life. Which are the longest part of a man's life, and which are also filled with work. Work! The privilege to do whatever you want comes at a heavy cost. At dawn you rise and go to work, you return weary in the evening. Day after day, with little change. Thus it is important to choose a career I will not regret choosing! A career of the type that I am all too happy to slave over. This is the career I must pursue. The difficulty is finding out this career, and preparing for it. School! School I must go to! Though I dislike it, school is very important. Soon I will be attending college. By then I must have decided what I will pursue in life. There is almost no time! For this very year I start college if all goes according to plan. Soon another year of my life will have passed. What will have been accomplished by me? What will I have done? A year is not very long, for time passes swiftly...



Recommended Comments

I found that a life is only as boring or routine-like as you yourself makes it. If you try to enjoy life, you will enjoy life.

That is all.

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Wait, this random blarg from the depths of my brain made you think I thought life was boring?

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These aren't my views actually. It's random blarg that popped into my head.

My view: Hate school hate school hate school. Atleast my life's still awesome. Yay, I am older. Darn, goto work. Yay, I love my job. Yay, happy wife happy life. Yay, my life is awesome.

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