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Modding Suite - Milestone 2




Modding Suite - Milestone II

Today I have reached Milestone II in the Developement of the Modding Suite.

Milestone II features a brand new Interface for the Modding Suite as well as 2 different skins and even more to come!

The new Interface is cleaned up and very user friendly!

Other changes that are involved into Milestone II are:

1. A heavy code cleanup.

During the development cycle of Milestone II I removed over 1744 lines of code and rewrote 1350 lines of existing code.

The result is up to 5x times faster code execution as well as several code optimizations and the most important thing, at last for me^^... Reusable Code.

All of the code is now stored in a mail execution library which saves me hours of headaches in case for searching a typo in code or hunting a bug, but this is developement

stuff! $_$

2. An interal update system.

I used to implent an external application for the update service but this resulted (due to serveral windows bugs) in a big mess. So for the modding suite I wrote my

own update system.

3. Server System.

The Application can now determine your internet connection and try to find the best internet settings for the fastest and securest database access.

In case the server is unavailable or for some other reason doesn´t answer the application will try to find the files on a backup server.

Therefore I will have to provide an backup server... I don´t think so, but at least it is implented and working! ;)

4. Old Feature Cleanup.

Well there were still features in my code database that weren´t working as they should and by now I don´t see the reason why they should be part of the Modding Suite so I removed some features like:

Newsletter System, User Access Level System, Template System. (Removed lines: 912)

5. Fixed Memory erros and leaks

Well these errors were pretty rare but as I was able to find their origins I fixed them. Result: Most stable build up to date!

@Cyrem: Thanks for the Design, as you might have noticed I tried to use as many elements of it as I could! ;)

The new Interface: (Design by Cyrem)


Please take a look and give me your opinions and suggestions!

Next Milestone: Milestone III - Feature Implentation




Recommended Comments

Oh, OH! Progress!!!

I'm glad those bugs and errors have been squashed. Never liked them.

The interface...I like. A lot.

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Looks nice! What's with the huge space between Mod Server and Local Downloads though? Didn't you put the Mod Server/Description vbox in a hbox with Local Downloads? Or did you put a spacer in between? (are you even still using Qt xD)

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@addictgamer: Thank you very much! :lol:

@Cyrem: Thank you for the design, I just implented as much as possible! ;P

@Anonymouse: Thanks! I think with the space between the two boxes relaxes the interface (makes it cleaner). No I am not using Qt anymore.

The whole application is now written in Revolution. I would give you the source but without an Revolution License you won´t be able to read it! ;)

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