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Modding Suite - Developement




Modding Suite (MS) - Developement

Today I won´t write about the final steps in Modding Suite Developement. Why not? Well there is no progress.

Hitting my first Milestone was a great pleasure and this pleasure was doubled when I reached my second Milestone shortly after the first.

Now I have to admit that I wasn´t able to work on MS for weeks. The reason ... The reasons for this slow... stopped developement are based

on multiple problems I had and still have to solve. I don´t know how long it will take to sort things out. This is the second time in MS developement

that I reached a point where I have to decide to go on or to turn around. If you can´t keep yourself happy you won´t make others easily happy, someone

said that altough I can´t remember who it was.

I would like to say thank you to the Community for your support! Especially to Cyrem and my betatesters (altough there wasn´t a beta to test over the last months), you helped me

to keep my track, reach my goals in time and to rewrite almost every part of MS (Thanks for the work! ^^ )

This doesn´t mean the end of developement it just says: There´s no time left for MS right now... I am sorry for that.




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