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What Happened In School Today.




As I was explaining to Stephy.

Lucas is Ritchie's brother

[3:20:20 PM] Leviferno: Lucas came down to gym without permission

[3:20:24 PM] Leviferno: So I stole his basketball

[3:20:28 PM] Leviferno: He then put me into a headlock.

[3:20:33 PM] Leviferno: I elbowed him in the jaw

[3:20:40 PM] Leviferno: And knocked him against the wall

[3:20:48 PM] Leviferno: Fast forward 1 1/2 periods later

[3:20:52 PM] Leviferno: Coming back from a firedrill

[3:21:00 PM] Leviferno: Lucas whammed me in the back of the head

[3:21:06 PM] Leviferno: So I turned around

[3:21:12 PM] Leviferno: Dropped my binder

[3:21:14 PM] Leviferno: Rushed at him

[3:21:25 PM] Leviferno: Grabbed him, threw him against the wall, Then threw him against the floor

[3:21:43 PM] Leviferno: He hit his head on the floor and was knocked out for about 30 seconds to a minute

He has so sense of Chivalry and ISn't afraid to hit girls.



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I lol'd at his foolish persistence.


RULE 43 of life: IF you DO get hit by a girl, stop what you are doing immediately, this is a sign of something VERY WRONG.

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Bullbrick. If women want equality then this "rule" should be dropped.

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While he doesn't sound like a nice person, it looks to me like you started it by taking his basketball. So to me you look like that bad person for that period. But he shouldn't continued later on.

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Well. He said some very hurtful things beforehand. And I didn't steal it so much as take it back and put it on the rack cause he wasn't supposed to BE THERE. But yeah. What I did wasn't right. But it was helluva fun.

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This wasn't anywhere near as funny as I was hoping it would be.

Also, be warned: within, if not in exactly, one week there will be repercussions from this.

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Terribly sorry, RM, but you are in error. 42 is about Desu being unfunny, not about equality. There are, infact, no rules regarding the treatment of females. Also I detect a lack of bigger persons here.

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Pffft. At least I have SOME kind of chivalry in me... Unlike that BUFFOON. Good for you Zeph for defending yourself. I'd hate to meet you in a dark alley...

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