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Modding Suite: New Idea + New Solution = Progress!




Well today I am going to talk about this formula:

Modding Suite: New idea + new solution = Progress!

Well it´s true there is progress.

The new idea was born while reading an entry about array storage in flash (altough I am not coding in flash). I managed to transfer this solution to Revolution (my coding language) and now I have a working array storage solution!

Well I assume almost everyone of you don´t know what this means so here´s the explanation:

My life just got a littlebit easier!

Okay not that easy but at least I don´t have to worry anymore about compiling errors caused by wrong variable storage in the Heap.

I just did a quick test with the new solution.

My goal was to write a working Register and Configuration Check Routine (I was working on this for 2 months and didn´t manage to get it working) and thanks to the new solution I was able to finish my working routine in under 5 minutes!!!

Hopefully I will be able to reuse this codebase for the next challenges as well.

So that´s it for today (you won´t believe me how tired I am after this relief - Imagine working on something for 2 months and you don´t manage to get it working and then with a new idea it works after 5 minutes!)




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Horray for finding something that unborks a ton of things. Now the problem is recoding everything else to make sure nothing else breaks because of it.

Also, I may have missed it, but what are you coding it in?

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" I managed to transfer this solution to Revolution (my coding language)"

Anyway, awesome! I loveth progress!

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