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Very Bad News.




This node's graphics card has suffered a partial bearing failure. The fan has, to be more specific. The thing has loosened to the point that is resonates at idle, which is a very bad thing, I might point out.

Even worse news: It's replacement is a RADEON that is on the lower end of the scale because it needed to brought back into service as soon as the cards could be swapped. But there were no spares, so one needed to be gotten from an office supply store, and that store had only two models and the other one did not have the correct DVI standard. Stop reading if you do not want to see the worse things to come.

Possibly even worse news: A screwup with a connector turned something into a smoke generator, but nobody knows what.

Summary: No more work with LDD until a better card or the old card (it just needs a new heatsink) is put into service and I have a VERY close look at ALL of the parts to find all of the smoke generators. Or I work my trailer hitch off to finish RaidOS and find a source of income so I can build a more proper workstation that can RELIABLY run LRR.

I also can not make very good POV renderings because of a lack of free RAM on the Explorer. To fix that, a new OS is needed as well. That is one of my many reasons to make my own. I can make it secure AND small, something no one else seems to even try to do. Why don't more people take their souce to low level code?



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Well, a new Nivida based card is coming within two hours. The old will be kept as a last resort standby until I find a new way to cool it. Then, depending on whether it has a place in another computer, it will become the primary standby, second to any higher end cards on standby.

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Seriously, I read this and my brain only comprehended it as "blah blah something broke blah I'm trying to sound like I'm knowledgeable blah blah"

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I read this and think that TMLC might be leaving for a while....why did he say that's bad news?

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Illee, he is just simply saying his graphics card's fan has failed.

Fan bearings failing? Thats not something I hear of very often. Did it fail because of lack of grease? or did the motor burn out as a result?

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Illee, he is just simply saying his graphics card's fan has failed.Fan bearings failing? Thats not something I hear of very often. Did it fail because of lack of grease? or did the motor burn out as a result?

First, I could not model with the Radeon.

Second, the fan started to work itself loose. This means the bearing has started to fail in the worst manner possible, letting the fan fall off altogether. The cause was a bad design and dust buildup throwing the rotor off balance and natural bearing resonance at idle speeds.

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