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07041776's Blog

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Thanks! The dirt walls were not working for me, given the loose rock actualy looked softer. So I fixed that. Once again, the water texture is pretty much that way through all of the biomes in my (modded) game, with some slight variations in color (lava terrain) and texture (ice terrain).

I had seen one other sand biome on here, but I wasn't really satisfied at all with it. It didn't feel like the game to me. I'm not sure if that was Fengo's or not. I did draw a bit of inspiration for the walls from that image for the file, though - I used some brushes here. The solid rock texture is completely new.

I would have uploaded this image to the gallery, but the gallery upload feature was not working for me. I play Baz's Mod, and I only use this biome on two maps - The Hard Rock Life and Water Works, both places where it looks unique and interesting.

I'm still not sure how to get new rockfall textures. I haven't figured that out yet.

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The pyrite biome is alright. I only have three maps in my game where it sort of fits - Explosive Action, Split Down the Middle and Fire 'n' Water. Lair, I have a lot of questions for you, including creature modding ;) (I commented-in all of the coding for snakes, but am not sure exactly what I expect that to do - the game works fine, though. I'm experimenting).

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I'm still unsure of the power path textures - just having plain squares is appealing in a lazy way. haha

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