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Some Weird Blog of Ben's

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Never Trust Itunes With A Disk In Your Drive. Ever.

The Brigadier



Isn't iTunes' auto-import feature handy? You can simply pop in your favourite CD, and within minutes your wonderful music will be in your library without a single click of the mouse. However, this feature can go wrong very easily.

So, today I decided to do some Speedruns of Lego Rock Raiders for PS1. So I put the CD in my drive, closed AutoPlay (because, let's face it, no-one uses it), started up my emulator and closed the annoying iTunes window wanting to import the tracks from the CD that were already imported. There we go. That's all fine and good. Let's run the game. I got to the menu, entered my password and suchlike, and went to play the mission 'Express Delivery'. All of a sudden, my DVD-Rom drive suddenly makes those weird 'seeking' noises, and the audio becomes choppy. My game freezed, but then recovered. I thought it was just some odd glitch that happens every now and then; after all, the disk is twelve years old, and there was probably a speck of dust from when I took it out of the case. Very well, let's continue. All of a sudden, the game became unstable and jumpy. It then froze again. At that point, I quit the emulator; I had screen capture up, and I didn't want my Speedrun to look horrible. I then spied something in my taskbar. iTunes was open. I then opened the window. It was importing the tracks that were ALREADY IN MY LIBRARY.

At that point, I realised why the game was so jumpy. It was trying to play tracks it was importing with another program, which I had already closed earlier. I then immediately stopped the import and ejected the disk from my drive. Needless to say, it was absolutely covered in horrific scratches all over. Why on earth would iTunes import stuff that was already in my library, and I had already closed it earlier? Why would it just re-open like that? Especially when another program had exclusive control over the disk. It doesn't make any sense. Hopefully I can get the disk repaired, and all will be well again.

I am going to complain to Apple about this incident. I wouldn't mind so much if I hadn't closed the program first, before I ran the disk with the emulator, but when I HAD already closed the program, that's just ridiculous it re-opening like that.

Here is how the game was running before the iTunes incident: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGnYg1KGS68

Here is the game after: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5wwHkDrhvA



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...Complain to Apple. They have plenty of $$$ to spare, they could probably do something. Maybe not replace your LRR, but perhaps they'll give you some of THEIR crap to wreck.

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...Complain to Apple. They have plenty of $$$ to spare, they could probably do something. Maybe not replace your LRR, but perhaps they'll give you some of THEIR crap to wreck.

Spare? Hahaha this is Apple we are talking about. The only 'spare' thing they have is spare room in their bank accounts to fill in more money.

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Spare? Hahaha this is Apple we are talking about. The only 'spare' thing they have is spare room in their bank accounts to fill in more money.

Despite how bad Apple's software is, they're still a successful company. They're somehow making money despite their flaws.

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I somehow managed to salvage a working image from the damaged disk, which for some reason ran fine in my PS2. :/

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"somehow"? The public is brainwashed.

'Everybody' at friend's HS: "Mac is better" "Want an ipod. The only thing of its kind." "Want an ipad. No other such thing exists." "Want an iphone, it's the only and best of its kind."

The first? HAH.

The second? No, mp3 players have existed for years. And at much cheaper prices.

The third? Netbooks and stuff like that. In fact there are even netbooks that have the positive features of the ipad.

iphone? I thought they'd at least heard of the droid and other phones similar to the iphone.

Even my teachers, most of them are all mac brainwashed, and EVERY school I've seen has almost only macs.

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They live with lies. And we all know what happens to companies that do that.

They live a life filled with stress of making up new lies that continue to brainwash people, and one day they epically die.


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"somehow"? The public is brainwashed.'Everybody' at friend's HS: "Mac is better" "Want an ipod. The only thing of its kind." "Want an ipad. No other such thing exists." "Want an iphone, it's the only and best of its kind."The first? HAH.The second? No, mp3 players have existed for years. And at much cheaper prices.The third? Netbooks and stuff like that. In fact there are even netbooks that have the positive features of the ipad.iphone? I thought they'd at least heard of the droid and other phones similar to the iphone.Even my teachers, most of them are all mac brainwashed, and EVERY school I've seen has almost only macs.

My school has Macs, but also has a few Windows Netbooks as well, and everyone's saying that the Macs are so much better because the Windows Netbooks are so slow. Well that's because they've got terrible processors and RAM, not to mention they're budget computers. Of course the Macs are going to run faster; they're desktop computers. But that doesn't mean they're suddenly better. What, a machine that is expected to run a lot faster runs a little bit faster, and suddenly the whole brand's better? Don't make me laugh.

Seriously, Apple has got the world bent around it's pinkie.

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You also forget that the windows computers are loaded down with a ton of group policy rules. They also have to connect to the school servers for half the stuff they do, so there's the issue of computers needing to fetch stuff from there instead of from the disk. It also needs to load your profile and things like that. That's how the computers are here, at least.

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I thank GOD that my school uses Windows XP.

Only problem is, they Chinafied the Internet, and I CAN'T USE FIREFOX. Every time I download it (at least I can do THAT), I can use it. BUT I HAVE TO REDOWNLOAD EVERY TIME I LOG IN.

Oh, well. Rather that than a Mac. And I have my laptop at home (Which is strangely more functional than my school's computers).


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HA! I don't trust iTunes* at all anymore. Not after all the songs I've downloaded that haven't worked properly.

* I actually typed "iTuna" the first time. Don't ask why...

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Lol firefox. They have that on most of the computers, but everyone has a network drive, so I just stick Opera on there. And please, lrn2sshtunnel. I have encrypted, unfiltered internet access when I want, albeit a tad slow.

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Lol firefox. They have that on most of the computers, but everyone has a network drive, so I just stick Opera on there. And please, lrn2sshtunnel. I have encrypted, unfiltered internet access when I want, albeit a tad slow.

Well, my school's internet is REALLY buggy (read: SLOW), and I'll get in HUGE trouble with the teachers, so no thanks. Maybe some other time.

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So, last night I downloaded iTunes, and right after, my LEGO Island disk (which was in my drive) started running. Three guesses as to what I did. :P

On chat, I was all like "DEFCON 9000!!!"

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Thankfully, I pulled it out as soon as the LI screen showed up.

Phew. Your disk survived then. :af:

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