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New Channel - New Composition




Hi again!

I may have mentioned it earlier but last week I made up my final decision. I opened my new kind of 'official' You Tube Channel.

This means my new compositions as well as some of my older compositions will be hosted on my new channel side by side with my animation stuff (I never mentioned that on the forum but if you took a glance on my profile you might have read that I am actually a 3D game designer).

The new name of my channel should sound a little bit more serious, however those ones of you who know me also know that I can be everything except being serious! ;)

So without further ado: Here's the link to my new YouTube channel!

I already uploaded my newest composition to the new channel. It's called: We won't surrender, you may find it here.

As always I am open for critics and comments and I would be delighted if you would consider to subscribe to my new channel!

We won't surrender actually started out as the epic composition I promised to addictgamer but during the process of refining, adding instruments, removing existing parts I discovered that this composition in itself features some deep emotions and a little bit despair so I thought it would be best to share this track with you before I finish the epic fight between good and evil!

[warn='Concerning my old channel!']My old channel will be closed within the next 4 months.[/warn]

I would feel honored if my existing subscribers would chose to move with me over to my new channel.


That makes it up for this month (It has been very stressful but I can say that the next 2 months will be worse! ;))



PS: @Cirevam: A storm is rising, once again and it will be definitely worse than the storm before, you might recall what this means, it will be up to you to decide whether to reveal this news or to wait until I accomplish the unaccomplished!



Recommended Comments

I think you're getting better with every composition! I liked how it was building up until about mid-way but I didn't quite realize it, so there was a bit of surprise when the song got more intense. And unfortunately I don't remember what that means but feel free to take your time with it, or even remind me in a PM so I can make a real decision.

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I couldn't help but think of playing Age of Empires whilst listening to that. Thats some great stuff!

I can't think of any improvements.

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@Cirevam: Sent you the PM hopefully it tells you enough to remind you of the events years ago.

@Cyrem: Thank you so much! This keeps me going!

@Tracker: There is a long list of reasons but the main reason is this one:

I will have to present my work, my self with this channel in a more professional way. I mean you just have to read my old nickname and you will barely be able to stop laughing! - Well this might even happen with my new nickname.

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None would look out of place on the new channel. None have the old name The Masterchief in them, so it is another reason on your list holding some back, what is it?

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What's wrong with your old channel, and why are you deleting all your old stuff that you worked hard on?

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@ Lair of Rockwhales: Don't be afraid my friend! Nice to see you around again! It has been a long time! ;) But for the record, I am going to delete all my stuff on the old channel AND I am going to rework my old stuff and upload it again on my new channel.

@Tracker: Heh... You won't give up until you know the truth, eh?... ;) You are like a detective who's looking after any missing details.

Alright here's the story: I shared my You-tube account with a former friend of mine. Up to the point when he abused my Nickname/Identity.

I do not want to stay in contact with this person nor do I wish to be referred to him, that's the reason. We had fun together but then he uploaded videos that didn't fit my program at all. So I decided to split up our cooperation. He gets the old channel and I get a new one. Once I deleted all my stuff he will close the channel and reopen it after 2 weeks (You Tube deletes all records of accounts closed for to 2 weeks).

Now that you know it all I would suggest we all just keep moving on. s*** happens and it made me very sad to realize that even the ones you consider to be your best friends can betray you. However life goes on... And so do I! ;)

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I obviously enjoyed this track.

Although I didn't get the impression of battle (as I originally thought I would)...I did get a feeling of "never gonna give up".

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THX a lot Addictgamer!

Your feeling is indeed correct! "We won't surrender" was intended as a sort of animating music, although it consists just of 4 different cues.

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