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The 7th Guardian ~Prologue~

Drill Master



Thank you to all of your ideas for my comic story, but I've changed my mind on making a comic. Instead I am making a story that came to me in a dream last night. So I hope you guys like it.

Ladies and gentlemen of RRU, I give you...

The 7th Guardian


Long ago, in a place called The Realm of the Elements, lived six Guardians. Each Guardian was the protector of one of the six elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Life, and Death. The Guardians lived in The Elemental Hall, a temple built by them with six doors, one for each element. Behind each door exists a vast world for the Guardians to protect their elements. The only way into these doors was to present the correct Elemental Gem. The Guardians forged these gems as keys to their doors, to keep their secrets safe from unwanted forces.

One day, however, the Guardian of Death called the others together. He complained that his world was not big enough for his needs and he demanded more room. When the other Guardians denied his request, he went to the real world and plunged it into a ten year darkness, killing many people. The Guardians were devistated. They decided that they needed to combine their forces to stop the Guardian of Death. They fought him for two weeks strait, but he had grown too powerful for them. The Guardians had one last idea. They collected all of the gems, even the Death Gem, and brought them together. Suddenly, a bright light burst from the gems. There before them stood The 7th Guardian.

The Guardians bowed before him as he went to face the Guardian of Death. In one quick move, The 7th Guardian cleared the darkness and brought the Guardian of Death to his knees. He swore he revenge upon the Guardians. With all their power, the Guardians sealed the Death Door, with the Guardian of Death inside. Then, The 7th Guardian shattered the Death Gem and sent its four pieces to random places within the real world. A door was then created in The Elemental Hall. The 7th Guardian stepped through and sealed the door shut from inside. The other Guardians did the same with their doors.

The real world and The Realm of the Elements were finally at peace, for now.

So, what did you guys think?



Recommended Comments

Don't post stories if you're not gonna continue them >:(

Lol, I liked it. Write more.

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