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Let's Build a Death Star




If you live in the USA, do us all a favor and sign this petition.


We get to build a death star if you do, kay? Thanks.




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You have no idea how much I laughed at that petition. NO. FREAKING. IDEA.

I doubt that this petition will get enough signatures by the 14th anyway. And if it did, and they actually DO something like this...

I just fear what China will do to counter this. And they have more of both money AND manpower.

The rebel scum won't know what hit them.

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Good news, everyone! As of this post, we have 26,796 supporters! WE'RE DONE!

Now it's only a matter of time......

also, does anyone else have a bad feeling that if the Obama Administration ever stops laughing at this proposal, they'll find a loophole in this? Like, you know, building a LEGO Death Star? We never specified what KIND of Death Star they'd construct.

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Also. 25,000 is nothing comparing to the millions of citizens the US has. This will need a lot more votes.

Also also. Starting small is for losers. Jump right to the prize I always say.

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Starting small is for losers. Jump right to the prize I always say.

Well, if you want to essentially strip-mine earth for resources to build what was probably the most inefficient and impractical piece of "military hardware" ever to be created in the mind of anyone, be my guest, but don't blame me when the thing explodes when the reactor is first started simply because someone forgot to route power to the cooling system (or someone dropped an explosive device - or a hammer - down an auxiliary exhaust port).

Does anyone else have a bad feeling that if the Obama Administration ever stops laughing at this proposal, they'll find a loophole in this? Like, you know, building a LEGO Death Star? We never specified what KIND of Death Star they'd construct.


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Well, if you want to essentially strip-mine earth for resources

Who in their right mind would get the materials from Earth (And I do note mean that in a rude or offensive way. I'm saying it for emphasis that I don't even consider it an option)? We have the freaking universe at our hands.

As for everything else, that's Lucas's problem.

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Who in their right mind would get the materials from Earth (And I do note mean that in a rude or offensive way. I'm saying it for emphasis that I don't even consider it an option)? We have the freaking universe at our hands.

Which is why we're going to have to start small. We need to have ships to gather resources, transport materials, move components during construction, scout for potential threats and mining sites, and protect the construction site if necessary. Plus, once we build the thing we'll need to supply it with all necessary expendable resources and perishable goods. That's a lot of logistics to take into account.

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The reason this isn't going to happen is because we're still using chemical rockets.

We're only using those because NASA is a bunch of cowards and "weapons grade" uranium is unavailable to the private sector, both of which hinder the development of a nuclear pulse drive.

Powering it would be a pain in the ***, even with fusion.

My point by saying the logistics are way too much for even a single planet, much less a single nation.

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We're only using those because NASA is a bunch of cowards and "weapons grade" uranium is unavailable to the private sector, both of which hinder the development of a nuclear pulse drive.

Or nuclear Turbojets, which can be made to work pretty much anywhere so long a coolant is put through it.

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Or nuclear Turbojets, which can be made to work pretty much anywhere so long a coolant is put through it.

I'll have to research those. I'm not to familiar with them.

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@ Phoenyx: That Thank you gave me back there FINALLY got me out of 69 Thanks/Likes. You have my eternal gratitude.

BACK ON TOPIC: Yeah, I don't think we'll EVER have the resources for something like this. I mean, think about it: If we only have a pitiful-looking space station up there (pitiful by science fiction's standards), funded and made by SEVERAL nations, and only able to do nothing more than study stuff, how in the HELL will ONE nation with VERY limited resources and money be able to build a fully-functional WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION on a PLANETARY scale, manned by God knows how many people, and be able to power that thing??? We still haven't cracked fusion energy, for crying out loud!

That and artificial gravity.

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Tracker, on , said:

Or nuclear Turbojets, which can be made to work pretty much anywhere so long a coolant is put through it.

I'll have to research those. I'm not to familiar with them.

They are something I came up with based off of DoD and NASA projects.

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They are something I came up with based off of DoD and NASA projects.

Actually, you'd be surprised. The USAF has been trying to create working versions for over 50 years.

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Which is why we're going to have to start small. We need to have ships to gather resources, transport materials, move components during construction, scout for potential threats and mining sites, and protect the construction site if necessary. Plus, once we build the thing we'll need to supply it with all necessary expendable resources and perishable goods. That's a lot of logistics to take into account.

That's not starting small. Starting small is building a death asteroid.

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@ Phoenyx: That Thank you gave me back there FINALLY got me out of 69 Thanks/Likes. You have my eternal gratitude.

BACK ON TOPIC: Yeah, I don't think we'll EVER have the resources for something like this. I mean, think about it: If we only have a pitiful-looking space station up there (pitiful by science fiction's standards), funded and made by SEVERAL nations, and only able to do nothing more than study stuff, how in the HELL will ONE nation with VERY limited resources and money be able to build a fully-functional WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION on a PLANETARY scale, manned by God knows how many people, and be able to power that thing??? We still haven't cracked fusion energy, for crying out loud!

That and artificial gravity.

One nation vs international?

ITER. How many decades and billions of dollars has it been and they still haven't even built the washroom?

No, we must go above and beyond. We must make the entire human race one nation.

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That's not starting small. Starting small is building a death asteroid.

Well then how would we even acquire the resources? Not to mention you'll need me to design the FTL drive since I'm currently the leading expert on such things, however I refuse to work on a planet-killer weapon of any kind, rule of cool or not.

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Well then how would we even acquire the resources? Not to mention you'll need me to design the FTL drive since I'm currently the leading expert on such things, however I refuse to work on a planet-killer weapon of any kind, rule of cool or not.

Acquiring all the needed infrastructure to gain the ability to create this is not starting small. It's part of the project itself. Not a bunch of smaller, separate projects. One can work in small increments on a bunch of smaller, separate projects to get the infrastructure we need, or one can set the Death Star as the goal and then everything we need to do to accomplish it falls into place as part of the construction plan.

As for building a death star or not, I'd rather not build something somebody came up with for their story. Real things using awesome science are much better (and original ideas).

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