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  • Run LEGO Rock Raiders with dgVoodoo

    • Cyrem
    • Written By Cyrem
    • Published
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    • Comments 135 comments

    This guide is more or less a re-write of many posts of this method that are scattered around the forum with updated links and pictures to make it easier to follow.

    First and foremost there is sometimes confusion between dgVoodoo and Cafeteria. These are significantly different and perform entirely different things. dgVoodoo is an graphics API wrapper (or “converter”) for DirectDraw & Direct3D (Part of DirectX 6 - a graphics API developed by Microsoft). Most modern graphics cards are not compatible with games utilising old versions of DirectX, Rock Raiders is one of them. Cafeteria on the other hand is a Mod Launcher that allows easy installation of game resource modifications for LEGO Rock Raiders. It also has the ability to force LEGO Rock Raiders to run in resolutions higher than 640x480. You can use both of these together for optimal graphics improvements. in summary - dgVoodoo is what makes it possible to run LEGO Rock Raiders on modern graphics cards, not Cafeteria. Cafeteria is merely a toolkit to make an already working game even better.

    Secondly, Microsoft has updated Windows Vista through to Windows 10 with patches that remove SafeDisc and SecureRom support from those systems. This is a problem if you own a copy of LEGO Rock Raiders that is copy-protected. If you own the copy-protected version of LEGO Rock Raiders (some of the re-releases did not have copy protection) you'll probably find the game will not run at all. Following this guide will also correct this issue as well.

    Now that we know what dgVoodoo is and we know about the SafeDisc issue, lets begin.

    While setting this up is really a piece of cake and requires barely any steps, people still can still get it wrong, so please follow the steps below. If you get stuck, try it again. If you're still stuck, reply to this topic.

    Before you begin, you will need to download some files. Please note that some Antivirus software may complain that dgVoodoo contains a virus. This is a false positive, it is a clean file. Download the files in the list below.

    1. LRR Masterpiece Editon Executable - Download
    2. D3DRM - Download
    3. dgVoodoo 2.55.4 - Download
      Note: dgVoodoo 2.53 is also compatible with LEGO Rock Raiders, download this version if you have issues with the latest version above.


    STEP 1
    If you haven't already, install LEGO Rock Raiders. If the installer isn't working, try the Alternative Installer. Once this is done, navigate to the Rock Raider's installation directory (usually its: C:\Program Files (x86)\LEGO Media\Games\Rock Raiders ) and extract the contents of the "LRR Masterpiece Edition" zip file you downloaded just earlier into your installation folder, overwriting the original files. This folder then should look similar to this:




    STEP 3
    Next, from the D3DRM archive you downloaded before extract the D3DRM DLL File into the install folder.



    After that, open the dgVoodoo archive you also downloaded. You will need to extract: dgVoodooCpl.exe and the contents of the MS folder into your installation directory.



    STEP 4
    You're almost done. We'll now configure dgVoodoo, so double click dgVoodooCpl.exe to start the configuration program. Ensure that you are running the program in Administrator Mode (Right Click > Run as Administrator) or changes may not be saved. When it starts, look at the "Config Folder" path, if it is not the same path as your Rock Raiders install folder, click the ".\" button on the right. Next click the "DirectX" tab. You may want to play with some settings in here, however for this guide we'll just do the important ones. Change the "Resolution" to the same resolution that you are currently using (e.g 1920 x 1080 is common) and uncheck the "dgVoodoo Watermark".  Finally click apply.



    STEP 5
    Congratulations, you're set! There's one thing left to do and it's very important. You need to start the game from LegoRR.exe. Afterwards a window will appear, and if you've set it up correctly it will display the driver as "dgVoodoo DirectX Wrapper (display)".



    While the game will now run, you will notice an absence of music. Typically, Rock Raiders plays music from the disc. However I have a fix to restore the game music into the game without the disc. If you would like to do this, follow this short guide.


    I hope this guide has helped you get your copy of LEGO Rock Raiders to work. Be sure to reply below if it worked for you or if you're having any troubles. Don't forget that if you do get it running, check out some of the great mods for the game around the community.


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1 hour ago, Cyrem said:


Sounds like you have a copy-protected version of LRR which requires SafeDisc support on Windows, unfortunately, Microsoft removed it and thus makes games using it unable to launch normally. You may want to try the end of this guide, or locate a non-protected version of the game (sorry I can't give you a link to one).

Yeah that was the issue, got it working now, thanks!

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Worked an absolute charm. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to compile the information you have here. Straightforward, easy to understand and the game now looks and functions better than ever. You are a legend, sir.

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Alright so I have been at these for now 9 hours ( I'm determined now lol)  messing around with compatibility mode, Dg files different iso and cues different mounting softwares, my actual RR disk I still cant get the mode selection window to open figured if i cant find help here i guess nothing will help next to just virtual box or digging up my old e machines project whit windows 98 on it any help would be appreciated!

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4 hours ago, flared3 said:

Alright so I have been at these for now 9 hours ( I'm determined now lol)  messing around with compatibility mode, Dg files different iso and cues different mounting softwares, my actual RR disk I still cant get the mode selection window to open figured if i cant find help here i guess nothing will help next to just virtual box or digging up my old e machines project whit windows 98 on it any help would be appreciated!


Are you attempting to run the cop-protected version of LRR? You can check by seeing if the LegoRR.icd file is more than 0kb. If it is copy protected, it won't run without explicitly allowing your system to allow the safedisc driver to run each time you run the game, you can than Microsoft for removing it's support. It is however easier to just located a copy of a newer re-release of the game which has no such protection.


If you a keen to push ahead with the copy protected version, read the latter half of this guide - https://www.rockraidersunited.com/guides/lego-rock-raiders/lrr-windows-10-setup-guide-safedisc-version-r4/


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10 hours ago, Cyrem said:


Are you attempting to run the cop-protected version of LRR? You can check by seeing if the LegoRR.icd file is more than 0kb. If it is copy protected, it won't run without explicitly allowing your system to allow the safedisc driver to run each time you run the game, you can than Microsoft for removing it's support. It is however easier to just located a copy of a newer re-release of the game which has no such protection.


If you a keen to push ahead with the copy protected version, read the latter half of this guide - https://www.rockraidersunited.com/guides/lego-rock-raiders/lrr-windows-10-setup-guide-safedisc-version-r4/


ohh thank you soo much finally got it working with a no cd patch, knew I was missing something very small. it runs at full frames with no problems now to get cafe working

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Thank you so much Cyrem! It worked perfectly. I have tried multiple methods to get Rock Raiders to work on Windows 10 and this has been by far the best results. Thank you for putting this together!

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I have been trying to install rock raiders for about 5,5 hours now and with absolutely no luck..

I reinstalled the game 6 times(the original installer won't even start so I used a alternative installer) and checked with all the compability(like 16bit color and all the windows versions) modes and most settings in dgvoodoo and also cafeteria. (I did try to use the Lego Masterpice EXE with no luck too)

When I start the game EXE file the screen goes black for about 2 seconds and then it reverts back to normal and nothing more happends at all.

The game does not come with legorr1.wad but it comes with legorr0.wad so that could be the issue(if so please send the file for legorr1.wad because I can't find it anywere on the internet). Other than that I don't really now what to do so if you have any suggestions please do tell them.

Some maybe usefull info: LegoRR.icd file is not more than 0kb so it's not copy protected, the cd I used was the 2003 edition I think.

Specs: Windows 10, gtx 1060 6gb, i7-7700k, 16gb ram


Thanks in advance!

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On 5/7/2018 at 4:55 AM, GalaxyNexus said:

The game does not come with legorr1.wad but it comes with legorr0.wad

Thats very odd, perhaps the file copy failed? LegoRR1.wad is required as it has all the configuration files in it. Whats the file size of your LegoRR0.wad?

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16 hours ago, Cyrem said:

Thats very odd, perhaps the file copy failed? LegoRR1.wad is required as it has all the configuration files in it. Whats the file size of your LegoRR0.wad?

It never gave me any errors in the installation but yeah maybe it faild to copy the LegoRR1.wad file. The LegoRR0.wad is 73,2 MB (76 772 227 byte).

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On 5/13/2018 at 9:02 AM, GalaxyNexus said:

It never gave me any errors in the installation but yeah maybe it faild to copy the LegoRR1.wad file. The LegoRR0.wad is 73,2 MB (76 772 227 byte).

I have the exact same problem. My original cd is too scratched up so I had to go dl an iso file from online. Maybe that's why I don't have the correct .wad file


I also have the exact same problems as you do, btw. followed all instructions to a T, and when I try to run it screen goes black and my resolution changes for a few seconds, before going back to normal like nothing ever happened.

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