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Showing content with the highest reputation since 11/24/2016 in Posts

  1. Antillies

    A New Cavern Has Been Discovered

    I've always had an itch to capture the feeling of LRR with real LEGO. I finally had the opportunity to give it a shot and, though I don't think I satisfied my aesthetic wishes this time around, it produced some interesting stills. Wanted to share them in case they might prove interesting or enjoyable to others.
    25 points
  2. PapaBrickolini

    Ogel Island - Multiplayer RP/Sandbox/Minigame Game

    I've decided to turn development towards making a little "remaster" of Lego Racers 1. Racing around cartoony tracks shooting cannon balls at other brick built karts, pretty fun stuff. A bunch of work lately has been UI related and thinking of how the menus should look and feel. More work has also went into the kart/vehicle physics and feeling, there's still work to be done, but they're getting better. https://streamable.com/fmnp4 More work went into AI as well. They actually have a very small brain now! They're just smart enough to drive in reverse if stuck, and to follow a given course. Currently they are insanely good drivers, too good, they're very difficult to pass, let alone beat in a race. Gotta make em a bit dumber. https://streamable.com/q5r10 https://streamable.com/37ti3 Lots of other stuff has gotten work done, such as basic HUD elements, sounds, particles, a simple test-track "ripped from LR1" and more. I also quickly added a screenshot camera last night courtesy of Garry Newman, which allows you to take some super cool screenshots ingame. If ya wanna keep up to date further on this project, I've made a Discord server where I'll be posting development info and taking suggestions, feedback, etc. https://discord.gg/TT5FD5q
    21 points
  3. (2020-08-31) It's been a long while, but today the largest update so far drops for Manic Miners! The vehicles are here, together with an extensive miner customization system and many surprises and improvements. Dive in and re-live an almost-complete Rock Raiders remake today! The only thing missing are the monsters... so stay tuned! Thank you for following development! V0.3: The Miners and machines update trailer: Initial reveal trailer: Latest version: V0.3.5, released 2021-01-28) Download link: https://baraklava.itch.io/manic-miners Resource links: Trello (my development progress) Discord (active daily discussion AND usually weekly in-progress builds) Subreddit (active daily) Facebook page (not very active, but will announce major updates) Here's some more information on the project, taken from the Trello: If you have played the original Rock Raiders game and just want to jump right in without reading the project backstory and explanations, here are some quick notes: Original post: Full information dump can be found here
    20 points
  4. lol username

    LEGO Racers 2 Is a Family Friendly Video Game

    ... until you extract the game data (Note: This video contains ~naughty things~, but it's all straight out of LR2. If you are averse to such naughtiness, I advise you burn your copy of the game... Or just not watch the video.)
    20 points
  5. lol username

    Here's a TeeVee that looks like an apple

    19 points

    Stunt Rally DVD-ROM With HQ Videos

    I'm not sure if this is known but I spotted this DVD-ROM version of Stunt Rally on eBay recently and was curious as to why it was a DVD-ROM and not a CD-ROM so I bought it. It turns out it has a load of video content that features a behind the scenes look at the games development, the UK advert for the game, plus adverts for three different LEGOLAND theme parks as well as a Rock Raiders set/game advert. What I was really hoping to be on the disc turned out to indeed be present, there is a full PAL DVD quality version of the games 3D animated intro. It's 720 x 576 at 25fps which beats the hell out of the tiny 320 x 240 at 15fps version seen on start up. There are even snippets of Glacier's outro in the behind the scenes video in this same quality but sadly not all of the outro videos used throughout the game are present. The ones seen in game are however much better quality, they are 25fps and have much higher bit rate audio than the outros from a later re-release I have from Focus which came bundled with Island Xtreme Stunts, I have seen these higher quality outro videos in playthroughs so it's not surprising they are there, but this does tell us they for some reason skimped on the quality for the re-releases. Below are comparisons between the two, it seems they didn't render the final sequence with anti aliasing so there are some jaggies here and there but it's definitely not an upscale, there is way too much detail that can be seen. The pictures go AVI then DVD but then again it's rather obvious which is which, the DVD version does seem to have an overall different coloration to it and seems a bit green at times, I'm going to work on it to see if I can get the colors more consistent and match real element colors better.
    18 points
  7. So, while this site was down, for LEGO Island's 20th anniversary (Oct. 2) I tried to organize a Reddit AMA with people who worked on the game, as many as I could contact and would be interested. I got in touch with a number of people, ~12-16 iirc. Unfortunately, the AMA ultimately never materialized, mostly because an AMA requires verification, and I didn't know how that could happen for such an old game. (Then the r/games mods got peeved at me for being overenthusiastic, basically saying I'll never be able to try to do any AMA there again.) And during that time, Wes Jenkins passed away (about a week from LI's 20th anniversary original release date, iirc), which basically sealed the "not gonna happen" deal. However, as a result of my contact, one of the animators wrote up an interesting article on his time working on the game (he emailed it to me, and I saved it in this document just now) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1chL_iGfo-h559vnR6ds_ZDnLWicZ48RYxFlf1wmV2aE/edit?usp=sharing EDIT: Talked to Kathleen "Brick-by-Brick" Salvia, very nice lady.
    18 points
  8. lol username

    LEGO Island Size Comparison

    Earlier today I imported the original LEGO Island model into a LEGO game project of mine to test something and noticed that despite it being scaled accurately, it felt a lot smaller with a third person camera. So I imported the LI2 island model to compare, then a rip of the IXS island from Xiron, all scaled to match each other, to see just how much the island had grown between games... Images under the spoiler. Bonus: LEGO Island(s) vs Nexus Tower in LEGO Universe. First, read this if you haven't already. Now prepare yourself: See also: Pics of LEGO Island combined with its full racetrack: Todo: Figure out how big these islands would be if built with real bricks...
    17 points
  9. Fluffy Cupcake

    Someone Rigged My Flight!

    And everyone died because of it.
    17 points
  10. lol username

    A closer look at the racetrack firemen

    Realtime graphics in the 90s, man. Realtime graphics. In the 90s.
    17 points
  11. lol username

    Idleness Syndrome: What is the Root Cause?

    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rock Raiders. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of overcaffeinated developer tendencies most of the jokes will go over a typical player's head. There’s also Chief's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from LEGO Mania Magazine, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LEGOS. As a consequence people who dislike Rock Raiders truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Chief’s existential catchphrase “A landslide has occurred,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Bricks 'n Pieces' epic Captain Indigo. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Stewart Green’s genius wit unfolds itself on their CRT monitors. What fools.. how I pity them. ? And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rock Raiders tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the guy’s eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid ? Edit: FFS fellas, this now has more likes than rrcoder's post...
    16 points
  12. Lair

    LEGO Island 2 Beta on PS1 "discovered" (IMAGE HEAVY)

    these images and videos were all terrible quality, will redo better in the future
    16 points
  13. lol username

    Bob / Discotect

    Three LEGO Universe developers (their roles being graphics programmer, producer, and concept artist, respectively) have expressed their approval of Discotect. Thus, I declare this to be the canon ending for LU.
    16 points
  14. Jappelsap

    Redesigned LEGO Racers cars

    Hello! A little while ago I finished redesigning most of the cars from LEGO Racers. I thought that people here might appreciate them as well. All cars: Rocket Racer: Captain Redbeard: King Kahuka: Basil the Batlord: Johnny Thunder: Baron von Barron: Gypsy Moth: Later addition: Veronica Voltage:
    15 points
  15. 15 points
  16. lol username

    The Brickster's Name + Panic on LEGO Island

    Were there ever topics on this stuff? I can't find one but I remember discussing it with some people. Anyway. This piece from the Xtreme Tower set has actual printing on it: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=30161pb01&idColor=20#T=C&C=20 While I don't own the set, I once saw a picture of the piece (in a MOC) clear enough to make out the text. While looking for it again today I came across this topic on a Swedish LEGO forum about exactly this: http://www.swebrick.se/index.php?topic=10027.0 As you can see there, the text on the computer reads: Bjarke is a Danish name, my guess is whoever designed the print put it in as some sort of joke about somebody at LEGO. It's also slightly odd as in Denmark, the Brickster was named Kim Cool: You'd think they'd say "aka Kim Cool" on that computer piece, especially given the reference to Denmark immediately after, but ah well. Speaking of Danish names... There's an often repeated trivia fact on misc websites (and I think a DK book or two) saying "1997 saw the minifig’s official entry into the digital realm, starring in the videogame Panic on Lego Island". It seems that was the name in Denmark, for at least some copies... But in Danish of course. The game was also going to be named "Adventures on LEGO Island" in English before they decided to shorten it, IIRC it was advertised by that name in a LEGO Mania Magazine or two and it was also alluded to in-game by Dr Clickitt (he makes a joke about being so busy they could have their own game, "Adventures in LEGO Hospital" or something). I've heard it was still called by that name in other languages, but I don't remember if it was verified or not. Doesn't seem unlikely though, given the Danish name.
    14 points
  17. RacerRabbit

    LEGO Racers 2019 Collection

    The following creations were built to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 1999 Lego Racers computer game. Pieces new and old have come together to form these newly revised versions of the 8 boss cars. Please enjoy! 1) Captain Redbeard As you can see, Captain Redbeard's new ride uses the microbuild of his ship from set #40290 as a base fo this off-road beast of a racer. But it still retains the large exhausts and rear mounted pirate flag from his original car. The sails make this the tallest vehicle in the collection so far. . 2) King Kahuka King Kahuka's new ride is an improvement over the original. The wheels in the game's intro are yellow while in-game, they're white so the wheels on this new version is both yellow and white. The car retains such details as the spears on the front, the horns on the front and of course, the stone head motif on the back. With added exhaust pipes and a "Bone Bumper" on the front. 3) Basil The Batlord Basil's new ride is a much more powerful looking version of his old car with a larger than life engine. I even used some older Technic wheels on the back. They were looking kinda redundant in my collection and I thought they matched the front wheels nicely so I put them to use. I also really wanted to use these dragon wing pieces on this car and I thought the rear spoiler was the perfect use for them. The old black jet engine piece has been extended by 2 grooved 2x2 round cylinder bricks. 4) Johnny Thunder A major improvement over the original. Making good use of new mudguards and Speed Champions wheels. Includes the old Adventurers printed numberplate piece on both the front and rear. Those jet exhausts make this thing look mighty. And this isn't the only car in the collection to use them. Even the front makes the car look chunky and rugged. Also includes indicators. As if you need them on the racetrack.... 5) Baron Von Barron Now, this one is completely different from the large jeep he drives in the first game. Instead, Baron Von Barron's new racer takes inspiration from set #5920 Island Racer that the Baron drives in the 2nd game and an old fighter plane. The plane inspiration continues around the back. And look at those exhausts... The propeller is powered by the engine but luckily, the car doesn't take off. That'd result in instant disqualification! 6) Gypsy Moth The veteran pilot of the alien Insectoids gets a truly outrageous car inspired by the Insectoids theme itself. With 6 wheels, pincers at the front and a cybernetic abdomen, Gypsy Moth's new racer looks more like an ant than a car. And still has the exhaust at the back like the original car. 7) Rocket Racer Rocket Racer's revamped car is a brilliant new design that echoes the original. Speed Champions wheels and a slighlty forward leaning stance makes this supercar sleek and eye-catching. The windshield is on 4 jumper plates to make sure it doesn't look too far forward or back. Also notice that the Rocket Racer minifigure is custom printed by Minifigs.me. It may have cost a packet but boy, the fit and finish is superb! ? Veronica Voltage Veronica Voltage's new car is basically a big improvement over the original. Much smoother than the old car. Also, exhaust pipes. For aggression. The wide tyres complete the look of the rear. The front headlights on the original are made up of rare chrome silver pieces. This new one uses a much easier and cost efficient method. Like Rocket Racer, Veronica Voltage is a custom printed minifigure courtesy of Minifigs.me. So, what do you guys think of this lot?
    14 points
  18. Cyrem

    Rock Raiders Stylized Wallpapers

    I'm going to put together some wallpapers for Rock Raiders that you're free to do anything you like with. Deliberations Download: https://mega.nz/#!p0s1SSrS!vkf4KOX170IWS1Tn1S2-c1BL7rHgR_WmyD4742rJ484 Which Path to Power? Download: https://mega.nz/#!Z01AyThY!t2pima-ulMIoPH1BGNtEFfnRluvYNjT7W00fiw8fv5M Careful Now Download: https://mega.nz/#!kpsx0YDR!xwWiqmiKavUcMYEP7zPxqFZOu2jvueX6i9rwcRIdCMk Wire Driller Night Download: https://mega.nz/#!UwVhyLpb!WsQ5TF-Dysb4c3ouTOv4m_NqlvBUwd8aSGWgXQNPQeg More to follow....
    14 points
  19. lu9

    LEGO Island 2 GBC Engine 2017 Remake

    Hey guys! I'm back... wow, I haven't been here in quite a LONG while, haven't I? Well, a while ago, in 2014, I decided to try my hand at remaking the basics of the LEGO Island 2 GBC engine using GameMaker... however it wasn't that good... BUT now that I got a lot better at programming (and there's GameMaker Studio) I decided to "revive" my engine, and try making it as accurate as possible. CURRENT FEATURES Full Pepper movement including regular & blue pizza chukka, skateboard and boat The entire Island (with maps ripped by Aparkee) All cards (courtesy of mumboking) with an ACTUALLY fair random system unlike the "Achu curse" RNG mess in the real GBC version smh Talking NPCs (the ones that move are still a little glitchy) Animated water and sharks PLANNED FEATURES: Better depth system All other maps from the game Fixed glitches of course Basic "quests" system (like the shark food at Phanta Sea) Multiple playable characters (?) More cards (?) SCREENSHOTS: DOWNLOAD DEMO CONTROLS: Arrow Keys - Move Space - "A" Button (shoot & talk) Z - "B" Button (switch to skate mode) Backspace - "Select" Button (go to cards screen) Alt+Enter - Fullscreen F2 - Restart PageDown - Reset collected cards & chests (Debug key) V - Go through solid objects ("no clip") (Debug key)
    14 points
  20. lol username


    14 points
  21. ProfessorBrickkeeper

    LEGO Island Beta

    As some of you may know, I've recently been teasing over social media the acquisition of the new "crown jewel" of my classic LEGO game collection. I believe the time has now come to reveal just what it is that I've managed to acquire: nothing less than an original Beta version of LEGO Island. As background, the specific version I've recovered is LEGO Island Beta 9.0, dating to July 25th, 1997, just over two weeks before the earliest known copies of LEGO Island were manufactured (August 8th, 1997). (Subsequently, the game was patched up further, with an updated batch dating to September 8th, 1997.) Most likely, this would have been the build that was tested by a number of schools (listed in the credits) and previewed by certain press outlets, such as Pause Magazine. Despite such a short timespan between the final beta and earliest release builds, there are still a number of changes that were made. Some of the more notable changes included: Numerous decals being sampled at a lower resolution Model optimizations and changes to the organization of model LODs (Most notable with the shark, car, and window models) Removal of the helicopter landing pad texture by the Jail Changes to model UVs and associated textures (See windows of the Police Station) The addition of various sound effects accompanying animations and cutscenes In the final game, Bill Ding summarizes his building speech, rather than delivering it in its entirety when you click on static objects One of the most interesting inclusions with the beta copy of the game is a carefully maintained change log for the game going back to Version Beta 1.0 from June of 1997. As I'm sure this is something of interest, I have included a reformatted version below. Now, for reasons it's probably best I don't go into, it's looking unlikely that I will be be able to publicly share a copy of the Beta. I have, however, taken the liberty of recording a play-through of most of the game, to show off the state it was in, and some of the changes that were made. There's the possibility I may be able to share certain, non-critical files from the disc, but that remains to be seen.
    13 points
  22. Lorin

    High Quality LEGO Island Music - downloads!

    Lego Island 1 Music production memories: I was the guy they pulled in to overlook the music for the product, though Wes Jenkins, Kyle Bogertman and various Mindscape management people were way over my head. I picked some and supplied some, and resources were tapped that were beyond my choosing. At that time, I lived in Sausalito, CA on a houseboat that contained my studio, a nice deck and the usual necessary rooms. Wes and Kyle lived in San Francisco on Van Ness at the time, so the Golden Gate Bridge was between them and me. Most of the work that I did myself was done alone on my houseboat. Flying Rhino Studios was where we recorded musical additions, voice parts and did most of the audio mastering. We had regularly scheduled meetings at Wes and Kyle's place to discuss game details, musical submissions, etc. During those meetings, we usually listened to music submissions, played with large Lego sets while building the world. And drinking beer. When we needed to refine some of my submissions, Wes and Kyle and occasionally other players would visit my place where I'd edit the music to match lyrical content they'd come up with. And we drank beer. At the time, in the world of computer-based video games, we were doing stuff that was considered to be impossible. Hah. It was not a fast process. We couldn't share audio files online at all, everyone who played together or sang had to get together at "real life" locations. At one point, I had encouraged Wes and Kyle to join me to see "Polkacide" live, because they were insane. We went, we saw and heard, we got pummeled in the polka-crazed mosh pit (while chugging beer) and decided that they should definitely be included. They were included. While I did the majority of the synth/sampler-type music, I wasn't the only one who got on the project. A few other excellent composers and players got onto the project. I won't name any names because no matter how many I mention, some might be overlooked. Everyone involved did creative original musical work. There were times when some great and highly amusing musical pieces had to be dropped, having been deemed inappropriate for children of the age in the demographic the game was intended to serve. But some of it has gotten out anyway, and since the kids who grew up with the game are now adults, who cares? I will say that even though it didn't work out for any of us financially in the end, the creation process involved in that game was exceptionally detail-oriented along with being just lots of fun to have worked on. The whole group involved in that project (and others) later joined together to record bi-weekly comedy radio broadcasts as "Radio Shorts". That was aimed at an older demographic target audience, so it got considerably more "blue" at that time. It was an exceptional time with the merging of exceptional people who all just wanted to do their part and have fun. And that's what we did. Lorin
    13 points
  23. BergerBytes

    "Loose Rock" | Rock Raiders Remake (Also, Hello!)

    Hello! Haven't posted here before and only recently found the site, so I hope this is in the right section! I recently decided to give recreating rock raiders a go as it was one of my favorite PC games as a child. I've wanted to practice more with procedural meshes/content and AI, so rock raiders seemed to fit the bill! I haven't completed much as I only started working on it this year but I decided to share it anyway. The goal here is probably to build the game as a learning exercise and then build a more loosely based spiritual successor as a full game for release. But it's all up in the air, right now I am just having fun recreating the game. You can try it out with the link below, no need to install anything as it is deployed with WebGL, just keep in mind it's very much a work in progress. Let me know what you think and nice to meet you! Cheers, -Berger Play the prototype in the web browser!
    13 points
  24. piotr_garschin

    Russian Racer

    13 points
  25. HarmfulPlant

    Greetings, young parsons

    Bad jokes are like 90% of my content, it's all I know, it's all I've ever known. Also, thanks so much everyone for the warm welcome!
    13 points
  26. Ben24x7

    Bob / Discotect

    Who knew the Darkitect, corrupt leader of the Maelstrom, was so fabulous?
    13 points
  27. BBordewyk

    Rock Raiders: A New Expedition

    Why wait for LEGO to reboot Rock Raiders, when I can do it myself! Presenting, "Rock Raiders: A New Expedition" A series of MOCs with buildable instructions that you can create yourself today! Click the picture for its instructions and parts lists. More to come!
    12 points
  28. PapaBrickolini

    Ogel Island - Multiplayer RP/Sandbox/Minigame Game

    I'm creating a multiplayer Island themed Lego RP/Sandbox/Minigame type game. I'll post new media here when I have it. New Media: https://gfycat.com/PortlyPrestigiousHagfish https://gfycat.com/SilverNaiveAmericanbobtail Old Media:
    12 points
  29. MattKC

    LEGO Island Rebuilder

    LEGO Island is one of my favorite childhood games and I thought it'd be a fun project to do some hacking/modding. I've consolidated all my patches so far into one tool: the LEGO Island Rebuilder. It's a LEGO Island launcher/mod tool that currently does the following things: * Set turn and movement speeds. If you're sick of turning too fast on modern PCs, use this to slow it down to a more sane speed (or turn up the movement speed to cheat in races). * Set windowed/full screen mode without editing the registry/administrator privileges (software rendering modes only) * Keep the game active even when defocused (windowed mode only) * Extract and insert music. No sound effects yet, but all music can be replaced with other music of any length or quality. * Doesn't require administrator privileges to run * Patches at runtime - doesn't permanently modify any files. * Can redirect LEGO Island's save files to %APPDATA% so the game doesn't require administrator privileges either (September build only) * Supports Windows 98+ (requires .NET Framework 2.0) Obviously this is a work-in-progress (and your mileage may vary depending on your setup), but check it out if you're interested in LEGO Island! http://itsmattkc.com/rebuilder
    12 points
  30. Brightfall

    Real LEGO Racers [Fan-Art]

    I'm made realistic Rocket Racer fan-art. I'm photoshoped Stig from "Top Gear" and now he looks like most famous LEGO racer
    12 points
  31. DRY1994

    Series 18 Race Car Guy (Rocket Racer?) Reference Photos

    That's cool. In anticipation for the first physical release of Rocket Racer, I built his car from the games but with the colors and details reflective of the car costume piece. I also created alternate hood designs that showcased his iconic RR logo like his car in the LEGO Racers games.
    12 points
  32. lol username

    All Soccer Mania Cutscenes

    Can you call them cutscenes when they're more like slideshows? Ah well. 134 images. Enjoy? http://imgur.com/a/kuhOZ
    12 points
  33. lol username

    Camera Shenanigans Image Dump

    Used Xiron's Cheat Engine codes a lot today. Also did a quick UI mod to make it transparent/invisible a ways into it. Everything is just in the order I did it in. Brickster's Palace There's a statue of the Brickster you can never normally see due to the camera angle. There's four Slimy Slugs at the top of the palace which are hidden when you actually reach that part of the minigame. Their textures are kinda weird. Maybe they were gonna push you around up there instead of the Brickster-Bots? There's a few Brickster-Bot heads up there (and more below) with orange transparent cubes around them, and the polygons on the back have been removed so you must have only been meant to see them from the front. Presumably were once used the same was as in the PS1 beta. There's a bunch of misc objects beneath the palace - a beachball, a screw, some misc fruit, and a red 2x4 brick in varying LODs. Oh, and a pizza, but I think that might just be the one you throw at the Brickster. Maybe most of the other stuff was gonna fall on you like the Brickster-Bot heads? I dunno about the red 2x4 brick though. Skate Park Just one screenshot here, of a random floating pizza in the void Brick Dive Just getting a better look at Pepper's model(s) and the pirate skeletons. Main Menu Just one screenshot again, but hello random Brickster-Bot. Also it couldn't be captured in a screenshot but the skateboarding minifig on the right was changing to a different character every frame. T-Rex Racing Just some misc camera angles you don't see normally. At this point I modded the UI/font textures to be transparent to allow for cool screenshots like this while paused. Since the game re-loads all textures when you re-open it after minimizing, I could just rename the folders containing the mods for if I wanted them active or not. Mr Hates' Camp LOTSA SCREENSHOTS HERE Mr Hates' dino has a gun on one side of the... saddle? And a pouch for pizza on the other side. He's animated to pull out a pizza and toss it into the mouth of the dino before it breaths fireballs, but the animation is kinda sloppy as you can see even from the screenshots. Also, during the initial cutscene, the pizza he feeds to the dino is just kinda floating there. Mr Hates is always somewhat low poly when on the dino, even when up close. The dinos tend to actually over above the ground when in their enclosures. Pepper is so happy at the prospect of punching Mr Hates he levitates. Dino Park A better look at the hot air balloon as it flies away. Parachute Training Broken textures lol Why did a leaf particle come from Pepper's foot Low-poly Ariel from Res-Q in the boat The parachute is invisible from the bottom The sky is just plain white and it really looks weird when you angle the camera up even slightly Parachute onto Ogel Rock Monster close-up Weird low poly Brickster-Bots, one of which socked Pepper right in the noprick.tga Ogel Island looks weird when you look at it too closely here Biplane Several areas where textures are weird, but in areas you don't really see There's a yellow parrot on the barrels at the start (and on a bridge) but despite sitting still they do flying animations Oddly skewed monkey Low poly Pepper has become one with the plane The Rock Monsters here are differently textured from the ones orbiting Ogel, and have clubs, but throw boulders (which spin even when the game is paused). Some are positioned kinda weirdly and floating. There's more I want to check out but I think I've had enough for one day lol
    12 points
  34. Dazzgracefulmoon

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    12 points
  35. Commander Cold

    Ice Planet Pathfinder

    This vehicle is a spiritual successor to the Satellite Plow. It comes equipped with the latest in tracking technology, equipped with multiple sensors, antennae, a plow, and a large radar dish in the back. It fulfills all the roles of its predecessor, but is more advanced. Here is the side. You can see the hinge gives the front a nice aesthetic, allows more visibility for the driver, and makes for a more compact vehicle. The back. There is a lot of equipment back here. Here is the front. I must say the plow looks very good. Top. From this angle you can get an idea of how much larger it is than the aforementioned Satellite Plow. Here are some of the details on the back. You can see we have a few sensors here, a pair of skis, and two tool racks. Closeup of the hinge that makes that steep angle possible. Sorry, I just think it's one of my more creative ideas. I know I could have very easily called it the Satellite Plow V2, and I may do that later, but I think Pathfinder sounds cooler. Thank you very much for visiting.
    12 points
  36. Lair

    Water Works

    12 points
  37. Ayliffe

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    i am secretly a horrible person
    12 points
  38. dead_name

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    In which I revive a 2-and-a-half-year-old joke
    12 points
  39. Fush

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    12 points
  40. Lair

    Is possible to make a lego game?

    putting minifigures in a blender tends to make them animated
    12 points
  41. 12 points
  42. Cyrem

    LEGOLAND Resource Tool 1.0

    LEGOLAND Resource Tool (1.0) A tool to extract and rebuild LEGOLAND Resource Volumes. You can now extract and rebuild LEGOLAND resource volumes! Previously it was only possible to extract them, but not possible to rebuild them and thus make LEGOLAND mods or do other futher testing on the game. The tool is mostly self explainitory, to extract a RES file click Open RES Volume then Extract Files or to build a new RES file click Import Directory then Build RES Volume. Enjoy some new modding! Screenshot Download From the File Database
    11 points
  43. Jimbob

    LEGO Racers Diorama

    Full 4K PNG downloadable here. David Roysk is my artist name, kudos to anyone who can guess how I came up with it. This is my entry for the LR competition! Credits for the decals are in the link above. The aim was to make something that looked like a photo a kid might have taken with his toys, of course using photo-manipulation wizardry to get Rob-N-Hood floating haha. I'm not skilled enough to achieve photorealism yet but I think I did an okay job. I used procedural textures for some of the stuff which was a fun technique to experiment with. The ground was partly sculpted and I think I could have done much better with it, but I'd already spent many hours over a couple of weeks and at some point you have to call it a day! Rob-N-Hood was chosen as he was one of my favourite characters in the game, and that was totally not because green is my favourite colour or anything. Captain Redbeard in the Small Transport Truck is a reference to a mod I made which took a ridiculous amount of time to make. Rocket Racer is there because of course he has to be, the ultimate boss and an epic dude too! Racey Hazey is the racer my mum would use when I was a little, and has a (true) story to go with her: Thanks for taking the time to check out my entry! I had an awesome time making it.
    11 points
  44. Alcom Isst

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    11 points
  45. lol username

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    After sending Alcom a bug report: [5:14 PM] !Alcom: @Terrev Failed to reproduce. [5:14 PM] !Alcom: Which by the way is a good summary of my life so far.
    11 points
  46. lol username

    LEGO Island 2 Beta on PS1 "discovered" (IMAGE HEAVY)

    Playing around with the beta myself and I can't seem to get in any road vehicles? I can get in boats and the helicopter but not any cars. Ok I managed to get into Mr Picking's red speedster ONCE but most of the time no buttons work at all. So it's just glitchy. Also no icons show up when you're next to an NPC, vehicle, or building, to tell you when you can talk to them/drive them/go inside. In the beta, Pepper often (but not always) plays an animation where he dips his toe into the water before he starts swimming. If you stop holding directional keys while this animation plays he won't start swimming once it finishes, like it's supposed to give you a chance to change your mind about swimming. I can't get this to happen on retail. And zooming the camera all the way in on Pepper while standing still does... Bad things. (This happened while near the party house.) At the front end, in retail the options menu text is "Options Menu". In beta it's just "Options". The beta also has different default audio levels than retail, and retail has vibration turned off by default, but on by default in beta. Different text in the screen offset menu too, and while starting a new game without a memory card. Camera starts in a different position after the first cutscene with the Infomaniac. In the infocenter, if you run all the way to the back wall and hold down in beta, Pepper slides along slowly. In retail he doesn't. GOOD DAY MASTER PICKINGS (beta on the right, games aren't perfectly synced but oh well) When leaving the infocenter in the beta, the camera starts in some other default position and rapidly whooshes over to the infocenter to view Pepper. Here's a video of the beta from 2014 that currently has nearly 49000 views, with nobody even really realizing it's a beta You can swim through boats on the beta. I just tried calling the Infomaniac and he DID point to the objective... But only after I pressed the button a second time while he was already talking to me. Odd. Sadly you can't drive vehicles off the edge of the bridge like on PC, they just hit the edge and spin around. There are some rendering bugs with pieces disappearing at certain angles though, and if you walk up underneath it you just phase through it to the top (if you do that on PC you clip through the island and end up walking on water). Beta front end has no grass on top of space mountain, different road on space mountain, and no stairs at the skate park (but only in the front end): Credits are mostly the same but there's some minor differences: Including this rather amusing flub(?) in the retail game where the Testers section has somehow become... David Lane: The floating radio is there even before the radio station is destroyed: And the bug with the skateboard seems to happen whenever Pepper's state is changed during the animation where he puts the skateboard away... Talking to an NPC, sliding down a hill, etc.
    11 points
  47. dead_name

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    11 points
  48. Ben24x7

    Ayliffe is knackered so here's a photo-editing contest (2016!)

    I apologise if this is a bit hard to read, but here's another one; ...and this;
    11 points
  49. 11 points
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