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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/24/2018 in Blog Comments

  1. Ayliffe


    T'was an April fools, but if it helps I can claim it's a fangame project I'm developing and then proceed to never actually do anything with it :V
    3 points
  2. aidenpons

    The Ballad of the LMS Explorer

    I feel that song is one medium that LRR is rarely adapted to... ... Regardless, this was an extremely interesting foray into such an adaptation! Well done!
    2 points
  3. aidenpons

    LEGO Alpha Team intro except no effort went into it

    needs more TeeVee
    2 points
  4. mumboking

    LEGO Alpha Team intro except no effort went into it

    This still took a lot of effort and I like it.
    2 points
  5. aidenpons

    The mistakes of "Art Battle" and "RRU Tower"

    Nicely thought out! You've managed to highlight exactly what the problems are, in a very useful manner. It's insightful to look at the Continue the Story forum game. That devolved into an uninspiring pile of garbage nobody bothered to read - except me. I compiled all of it into the Story of RRU, but it was so absolutely garbage I got tired of fixing the punctuation errors at the start of the second page - and as for a synopsis, I got tired of that too. It's interesting that, to me, this was precisely because what you have said in #1 and #2 to remove was removed - and this is what we got. #1 - Existence of a Plot It's not the plot, but the characters that were so chaotic in Continue the Story. Forumers could bring in anything from their choosing (I remember a lot of Sonic) - and more importantly, disregard anything of their choosing. You could be discussing Chief on Planet U and somebody would come in and say "Sonic exploded the planet." (Example) (Example 2) (Example 3) Of course, you could retcon it, but they could retcon your retcon, and you quickly lose interest. Thus there was no cohesive narrative and thus no drive to build something lasting - merely the drive was to make a funny post, and another funny post, and another funny post. Which perhaps is what forum games are best for. #2 - Length of Addition There was a particularly bad time when Continue the Story or some variant was restricted to three words only. This was absolutely chaotic as not only could people bring new things in as per above, they could do so mid-sentence and ruin the logical flow of ideas as well as the overall arc. Picking your three words in a careful manner was an interesting challenge - but somebody could easily come over and steamroll your work by not even continuing the sentence in a grammatical manner in a manner even more demoralizing than beforehand. Also 'full stops' were incredibly rare. That said, you're very right in that the ever-increasing length forces other people to make things of equal length, if not more - and I think negating that is an important rule to make. I don't have much of a comment about #3. The idea of scoring would work better on forums that aren't RRU. RRU is very slow, hardly has enough active members to even get a 6-player game of Mafia going - as such, the reliance on who to 'continue the story' simply should be left to the next person with enough energy and creativity to continue it in a sensible manner. Ultimately, I think it's impossible to construct a cohesive narrative by just using anybody's creations - because it's much easier to destroy than to create. You can build a world, by text or by images, and it can be undone by the next person in a multitude of ways. You could then build on their world, and they could destroy it with Sonic's DASH POWERS; rinse and repeat until you run out of motivation. With that in mind, and the idea of a standing narrative deemed impossible, I actually like Arthuriel's idea a lot more: the idea of random, unrelated comics, still about a theme. One example of a format like this that has worked is the Age of Kings Heaven "Community Screenshot Competition." There's absolutely no plot, lore, or anything. No, the winner of each, uh.... fortnightly? round picks a theme for the next. Rinse and repeat. That's been running for.... uh... about 10 years. Every theme usually gets 2-5 screenshots and people vote. I think RRU's take on this could, for instance, be making everything related to Planet U and Rock Raiders. One person posts a picture of Planet U, and the word, say, "Chair." Somebody then comes along with a picture of a mischevious RR putting dynamite on Chief's chair, and the word, say, "Power." The next person posts a crudely-done MSPAINT job with Palpatine shooting Force Lightning, but there's a smiling RR face instead. And so on... One thing that invariably happens is that people don't post a theme - again using the Screenshot Competition example, if the winner doesn't decide a theme, you get a SUPER SPECIAL BONKERS BONUS ROUND where anything goes and you can post a screenshot of whatever you like. RRU's take on this could be anything, but it just has to be related to Rock Raiders - or perhaps other Lego game of choice? I could see the above idea working ? Lastly, I just don't know if RRU has the userbase to it. Pass the Torch is a good idea, where the previous user posts a problem and the next user posts a solution to the problem and the next problem to deal with - which by itself is self-regulating on length, which is a clever idea, and only needs enough plot in the past message or two for things to make any sense. Yet I'm the only person who ever replied to it, and I don't know why.
    1 point
  6. Arthuriel

    The mistakes of "Art Battle" and "RRU Tower"

    I wonder, if it is possible to combine a random word or title generator with the art battle (with the overall goal to combine it with RRU as a theme for example). That way you would not have a plot and you could do it several ways: Option 1: -use random word generator for your own post Option 2: -draw something based on the previous random word generator suggestion. After that use a random word generator and nominate someone else for a drawing. Addition: If the user doesn't reply in one or two weeks (just an example) you have to nominate someone else Those are two ideas, that I just had. Maybe we have to decide on a random word generator. We could also combine it with a translator to translate it a million times to get even crazier results.
    1 point
  7. Shadowblaze

    The Ballad of the LMS Explorer

    This is what thousands of years of literary tradition has brought to. I hope you're happy. I sure am. I think you're a natural talent at writing poetry, how do you even come up with stuff like this? Haha
    1 point
  8. Shadowblaze

    Is This Thing On?

    Very enlightening. I shed a tear when the dinosaurs became extinct. Thank you for showing us what goes on in your mind.
    1 point
  9. Shadowblaze


    It's LEGO. There's a Racer. There's a 3. But it was also April 1st so I don't know how to take it.
    1 point
  10. Cyrem

    LEGO Alpha Team intro except no effort went into it

    AAA Movie Production.
    1 point
  11. Ayliffe

    LEGO Alpha Team intro except no effort went into it

    my new religion
    1 point
  12. aidenpons

    >tfw you see something online that makes you feel the opposite of happiness

    your mission is now to make the "chuck-computer-in-trash-bin-gif" completely out of Lego and make a Lego stopmotion of it
    1 point
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