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~The Brony Herd~


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*Horridly shopped picture*

I laughed pretty hard.

That's probably the only good thing out of that horrible TV series


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sure, sure I will watch a TON

I don't get it. Was that supposed to make sense?

Yes it does

Do you mean you are going to watch them?
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That was... um... good?

It's probably not Derpy will sound like in Season 2 so I'm not going to say it's great because the person who made it doesn't really have any proof that that will be her voice.

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Fluffy Cupcake

the person who made it doesn't really have any proof that that will be her voice.

It isn't a actual voice actor for the show, just someone trying to do what Ditzy might sound like.

At 0:19 and 0:28 in this video. You can see a part of season 2 for a second.


So, why do you think RD's colours are faded? Discuss.

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So, why do you think RD's colours are faded? Discuss.

Maybe she messed up on a stunt while the Thunderbolts were watching and they laughed at her and then she got really sad and lost the will to prove herself to them.
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How would you know that?



Oh hey page king, have some content.


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OK, people. It's confirmed...

STAN MCSTUDZ HAS BECOME A BRONY. May God (And Extreme) have mercy on my soul.

P.S.: That Derpy or whatever her name was thing was pretty funny.

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OK, people. It's confirmed...

Stan McStudz has become a brony. May God (And Extreme) have mercy on my soul.

P.S.: That Derpy or whatever her name was thing was pretty funny.

She is called Derpy.
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The person who voices Derpy in that video reminds me of Gir.

I for one think that voice would be perfect for Derpy, can't explain why, I just think that would work perfectly.

A question I thought of earlier today:

We all know that The Doctor normally has a female companion, no matter what incarnation it is.

So my question is, "Who of the main cast do you think would be the best companion for Dr. Whooves?"

I for one can't really decide, I'll explain later, I'm too tired right now, I'm going to bed.

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