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~The Brony Herd~


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But I thought everypony would kill for one of my cupcakes.

Don't you want to help with making them Sonic?

After all...

These cupcakes are to die for.

Oh come on I don't bite.

...Well not when you're alive anyway.

OH! Did I say that out loud?

. . .

Well this is awkward...

Why don't you just go down the stairs into that dark room, sit down, and try to forget what I just said. Okey dokey?

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Sonic322: *puts on sunglasses and takes out a gun* Burn in hell motherf***er.

*Shoots evil, crazy, killer, Pinkie Pie down the stairs and lets the real one out of the supply closet*

Sonic322: *Takes off sunglasses* Looks like you won't be baking anytime soon.


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Fluffy Cupcake

@Sonic, don't give Kata the satisfaction of getting complaints out of us, it's all he wants. Just ignore all cupcake references.

@Storm, ...What?

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I'm disappointed personally, well I was.

I imaged this bad-ass stallion with blue flames for a mane and he could warp space and time.

Instead I got uh... whatever the hell this fruity, serpent, eagle, deity, thing is supposed to be.

Then I found out who the voice actor was and that he's pretty much playing the same character as he did in Star-Trek.

Said character is one of my top 10 favorite characters ever.

That guy is none other than John de Lancie who played Q.

Goddamn that's awesome.

Also his role in the Star Trek FMV game was great, have some highlights.

"Do you think I do these things just to be perverse? . . . Well yes I suppose I do."


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Fluffy Cupcake

@Storm, ...What?
Well, I guess I don't have to understand a post that got deleted. And on another note, I don't have the first post on the page anymore. :(

@Sonic, yeah, I've seen that vid.

@Kata, I've only watched a little bit of Star Trek. I've seen Q before, but I never would of guessed it was him doing the voice.

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At first I was like:

"The original series had some bad-ass villains."

Then I remembered when I watched it, despite how good the villains where, everything else was just crap.

Also the humans have no place there, I mean it, they're literally there for a human face to exist in the show. They add nothing and they're utterly out of place. Any pony could do what they do.

Generation 2 was made for pre-teen girls, so I can't related to s***. But it did have male characters, I never knew that.

G3 and the rest of it's spin-offs and add-ons are terrible, no plot, no conflict, just pure and utter crap.

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Oh, I am utterly disappointed. First, I find out that Minecraft 1.8 lags like heck on my Craptop, now I see Discord...

Depressing day...

At least Season 2 is out in 12 hours!

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1.8 laged for me to, yet this machine can play Crysis, so that tells me it's the game itself.

Actually if you play for a while, the lag will utterly stop.

I guess it needs to load all the assets or something.

Just set it to peaceful and wander about, it'll get better.

And didn't you read my post regarding discord?

He's voiced by John de Lancie. How is that not instantly awesome?

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1.8 laged for me to.

Actually if you play for a couple hours, the lag will utterly stop.

I guess it needs to load all the assets or something.

And didn't you read my post regarding discord?

He's voiced by John de Lancie. How is that not instantly awesome?

Well I though he looked cool the first time I saw him. I mean he is a chimera after all. I can only assume he is called Discord because he is composed of bits and pieces of lots of other creatures... and he has power beyond any of out wildest imaginations.
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I don't care WHAT it is... It doesn't look evil enough... "Power beyond any of our wildest imaginations" usually means "Looks like a bad@$$ " or "Time Lord" or "McStudz's fanfic villain". or something.

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I don't care WHAT it is... It doesn't look evil enough... "Power beyond any of our wildest imaginations" usually means "Looks like a bad@$$ " or "Time Lord" or "McStudz's fanfic villain". or something.

He might look a little goofy but he is actually the best kind of villain. I mean think of it like this.

You have this big huge scary villain that can strike fear into hundreds of people just by mentioning his name. Who the heck cares. If he is so scary then why doesn't he just kill the resistance that is fighting against him? Because they are a cliched villain that they are not intimidating anymore.

Now you have a villain like Discord and you have someone that is going to have so much fun with their powers alone that they are going to do whatever the heck they want, whenever they want and not be to scary when they are doing it.

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Fluffy Cupcake

Hey guys, all the episodes of S1 are currently being live streamed here. Sometime after them, S2 Ep1 livestream! (which is at 6 AM PST and 9 EST <--- incase you want to know only when Season 2 Ep1 is starting) There is a chat there to talk with other bronies who are watching, 680 bronies and rising are currently in the chat.

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Fluffy Cupcake

mfw this is a brony thread

-apesmashingcomputerbecauseofbronies snip-

Yes, this is where we keep our brony discussions, so don't go posting anything hateful or non-pony in it.
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mfw this is a brony thread


Good wad, how many times must we go through this? If you don't like the bronies, don't make yourself look like an idiot by barging in and completally disrupting the converstation. That is known as trolling, which we do not like much here. There's a difference between stating your opinion of dislike and being disruptive and rude. If you don't like this topic, ignore this topic. If I seem stern, good. This went on with CTX and Alpha too long, and all it accomplished was making them look like idiots and completally disrupting the conversation. But then again ever since Devestater I've been completally intollerant of these kinds of things. Now GTFO

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Fluffy Cupcake

And now my message to all RRU bronies is gonna be covered up by the last 4 (including this one) posts. Well at least hopefully this post will make them look up.

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Good wad, how many times must we go through this? If you don't like the bronies, don't make yourself look like an idiot by barging in and completally disrupting the converstation. That is known as trolling, which we do not like much here.

Firsty, you never went through that,

Secondly, I don't think you understand that I've come to make my stand on ponies clear by entering a pony forum and simply demonstrating my opinion to the ponies, about the ponies. It was only rude because you thought it was rude.

My job here is done, as the ponies now formally know my perspective of the retrospect of this RRU pony clique.

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Fluffy Cupcake

As the ponies now formally know my perspective of the retrospect of this RRU pony clique.

While it may small on RRU due to the amount of members, it is widely popular across the web.
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First of all, to everyone complaining as I used to:


Lets not start s*** again.

I got mad at stuff and that didn't do us any favors.

So shut up. Don't do what I did.

Secondly, do you think Gilda or The Great and Powerful Trixie will make a return?

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Secondly, do you think Gilda or The Great and Powerful Trixie will make a return?

I hope The Great and Powerful Trixie does. Gilda not so much.

I claim this page in the name of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. YAAAY!

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