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~The Brony Herd~


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S2 Ep1 was good, but I came just before is started, so I got a stream that was a bit laggy. All the others streams had limits and were full. >.>

Edit: Here is a uncut (commercials included) HD episode of the first S2 episode. It's unlisted. Commercial free coming later. :af:

Oh thank you. Me and Shadow were not able to see it when it premiered. Thank you fellow Brony.

That was the greatest episode yet!

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Hey, if you guys want to stop getting troll stuff on this thread, look over yonder: Friendship Is Magic These guys have a podcast, shoutbox, users as the Mane 6 and EVERYTHING!

I also told them about this thread. They want you guys.

One last thing... FiM found out how Pinkie Pie somehow is able to follow anypony in a chase (Like when Rainbow Dash tried to get away from her). One word: NANOBOTS.

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They got a pinkie pie guy already?

Well I could always be the Pinkimenia guy.

Okay I'm kinda already doing that.

I think I'll browse pony forums a while longer before I decide to settle down some place.

A buddy of mine was telling me about this really nice one, I think I'll take a look at it first.

No offense to those people mind you, those forums look great, I'm just very picky.

I kinda feel like if we all pack-up and move there this thread would die.


That's not a happy thought.

But it may also be for the best.

But I really don't want this little thread of mine to pass away.

It's kinda nice here. It's like a party, you know how I feel about parties.

This thread will die won't it?


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Fluffy Cupcake

They got a pinkie pie guy already?

They have every mane cast + popular background characters already.

This thread will die won't it?
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OMG, that was the best season opener EVER, the was so funny how he had to force Fluttershy to change.

Finally watched the CR's video, and I have to say that the first series was the best until Friendship is Magic premiered.

Plus the first 3 shows brought something to the table that FIM uses:

G1: Introduced Spike.

G2: Introduced REAL male ponys.

G3: Gave the franchise the heart shaped logo.

And the G4 show gave it nothing because it was worthless flash animations.

P.S. LOL, Twilight Sparkle has been winking this whole time.

Honestly, I don't know how I feel about joining an entire forum for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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OMG, that was the best season opener EVER, the was so funny how he had to force Fluttershy to change.

Finally watched the CR's video, and I have to say that the first series was the best until Friendship is Magic premiered.

Plus the first 3 shows brought something to the table that FIM uses:

G1: Introduced Spike.

G2: Introduced REAL male ponys.

G3: Gave the franchise the heart shaped logo.

And the G4 show gave it nothing because it was worthless flash animations.

P.S. LOL, Twilight Sparkle has been winking this whole time.

Honestly, I don't know how I feel about joining an entire forum for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Friendship is magic is G4 Shadow.

They are:





G? (Worthless baby pony animations.)


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Fluffy Cupcake

Honestly, I don't know how I feel about joining an entire forum for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
I wasn't sure either, but then I was like

Aw heck, why not. *registers*
I probably won't be on it as much as I go to here though.

What Sonic said about G4. When I read your post Shad I was like "Um, I think you got your info wrong there."

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Honestly, I don't know how I feel about joining an entire forum for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Yeah I wanna join one, but at the same time I don't.

It's fun being able to be the Pinkie Pie guy when I want to.

There isn't room for two pinkies in one forum.

I guarantee that spot will be filled.

Besides it'll make me look like a copy-kat, something I try to avoid as much as I can. Being unique is something I pride myself on, perhaps a bit too much.

I was considering Ponychan, people don't seem to care about multiple pony-guys over there and that place seems like quite alot of fun.

Also I can slap the TF2 skinners for being such morons with their lack of composition and understanding of what makes a good skin.

Pink shotguns with badly slapped on cutie-marks. I'm sorry that's terrible.

Reading what I wrote made me sound selfish...

Meh, I feel to upset (and I don't know why, really, I feel terrible and today has been going great) to care about modesty.

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Katatonic, I had this idea for a funny short that could be put on yourtube.

You see, theres an episode of Family Guy when Peter is trying to show Stewie how to be a man, so Peter puts on Spike TV.

Now the video would go like this:

"Spike TV, full of stuff men like."

(MLP: FIM opening theme)

"Yeah, that stuff."

I'm not sure if you could make that, you would need to find a better clip of that scene from Family Guy.

But what do you think?

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Well, I was looking through the earlier posts when I rediscovered THIS:

Oh, what fresh Hell is THIS???


Resistance is futile.

You will be assimilated, or you shall be exterminated.


Hey McStudz, I have a message for you.


(Sorry for the picspam, I still can't find the Spoiler button don't know how to manually add BBCode tags.)

Well, that was true. You guys are freakin' psycics.

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Also, have you ever wondered how Pinkie Pie is able to appear in the WEIRDEST places??? Well, me and a couple of the guys on FiM.org have figured it out.

I said that she has a TARDIS, but then some of the guys said that SHE'S MADE OF NANOBOTS. Could this be possible???


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Oh I can do the same thing, it's rather simple.

See some ponies are born with the ability to completely disregard the fourth wall as well as the laws of space, time, physics, and reality.

It's called "Brakforteitus", it's one of the rarest, but most beneficial, hereditary diseases know to pony kind.

So we can be anywhere we want when we want as long as nopony is looking, as well as display "cartoon physics" on demand.

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Fluffy Cupcake

My Pony news update:

  • Ep2 of S2 is out on TV tommorow at 6:00 AM PST, 9:00 AM EST. So if you don't have The Hub on your TV, be sure to catch a livestream, or a HD video upload later that day.
  • There is a MLP:FIM t-shirt designing contest going on (Didn't they just have one? Oh well, it's because of S2 anyway) .There is prizes for winning btw (as low as $1000 for first place). You might want to check out previous winners and entries before you even think of to entering.
  • As just recently posted on EqD, there is a TF2 castle maze/castle map out. See here. I wouldn't have too high expectations, though it is still decent.
  • There is a S2Ep2 preview video. I wouldn't watch it though, because the episode is coming out tomorrow anyway so why not wait a few hours?

On a side note, I might be getting a MLP shirt from that shirt site in the news section. :af:

Here is a Cruelshy comic for ya all.

Posted as a link because the image doesn't show.

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